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Results from Common web retrieved at 17:40 (GMT)

For the past four years, San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station has had the highest number of safety complaints of any nuclear plant in the country. That s not th...
Opponents of a defense contractor #8217;s proposal to build a training camp in San Diego #8217;s backcountry say a lobbying firm that works both for the county an...
GO TO OFFSET 15:00 to index to the start of the interview! To hear RADIO INTERVIEW, by MaureenCavanaugh, visit: s...
A decision today by the Iraqi government to revoke the license of defense contractor Blackwater USA has emboldened local opposition to the firm. Opponents of Blac...
California Attorney General Xavier Becerra has come under fire for backing a decision to store deadly waste at the shuttered San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station...
Apr 22, 2008 AnaTintocalis Blackwater USA has resurrected plans to open a military training center in San Diego County. The private security contractor abandoned ...
* Blackwater Complaint.pdf: Blackwater Complaint MAYER BROWN LLP BRYAN DALY (SEN 117901) bdaly #64; JOHN NADOLENCO (SBN 181128) jnadolenco #...
In this four part special series, KPBS investigative reporter Amita Sharma and border reporter Amy Isackson examine how San Diego based Sempra Energy got the gree...
(Video:;id=8977 ) The joke around Potrero is if you're on Highway 94 and you blink, you just might miss the town. Potrero is sma...
M91;id=9133 Opponents of a proposal to build a training camp in East County for military and police personnel say a San Diego County...
Last Published Publisher RaymondLutz Date 2010 02 13 00:46 relativedir w/pub/Common/CopsCanvassReport/ $Foswiki::cfg{PublishPlugin}{Dir} /var/www/vhosts/cop...
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