How To Upload Using FTP

If you have files larger than 1 MB in size, they will typically fail using email. FTP -- File Transfer Protocol -- is the best way to upload larger files or a lot of files. FTP is very easy, but there is a bit of a learning curve if you haven't used it before. These instructions will walk you through from the beginning. They are specific to upload to, but if you find yourself here looking for general instructions, almost all of these instructions apply.

  1. Obtain an FTP client for your computer. (Windows does not provide this tool!) There are two options below, but a Google search will likely provide other options.
    • SmartFTP has an advanced user interface and can deal with multiple tries and failures, and multiple hosts at the same time. It is recommended for the heavy FTP user, but is not free.
    • CoreFTP is a free client that we will use in this presentation, and has an interface typical of most other FTP clients of this type, such as WSFTP, CuteFTP, etc. It is perfectly fine for most users. We will use it as a specific example. Download Core FTP LE 2.1, which is the free version, as follows:
      1. Download CoreFTP installer and save to your computer. You can find it here (last time I checked):
      2. Run the executable and it will install CoreFTP on your computer. I find defaulting all screens is fine during the install.
  2. Run the CoreFTP Client. It will be in the Start menu.
  3. The first dialog box sets information to access the site. This is specific to
    • Click [New Site]
    • Site Name: Arbitrary, but use (Where you substitute in your Username for YOURUSERNAME)
    • Host / IP / URL:
    • Uncheck "anonymous" AND enter the Username and Password you've been given.
    • Defaults for the other fields should work.
    • Click Connect.
  4. Client Overview. There are several panes.
    • Top pane - shows the commands being executed by the client to the remote host.
    • Left pane - local computer
    • Right pane - remote computer.
    • CoreFTPInterface.JPG:

  1. Specify file to upload - browse in the left (local computer) pane and find the file to upload. Click it so it is highlighted. (
    • The important thing is you can specify multiple files by using SHIFT-Click to select a range or CONTROL-Click to select or unselect individual files.
  2. Specify destination - browse on the right pane (remote computer) and open the folder where the file should be deposited.
  3. Check the MODE setting. There are three modes and AUTO is usually the right one to use.
    • ASCII Mode means line-endings will be changed from CR-LF to just LF (upload) or LF to CR-LF (download)
    • Binary Mode means the file is transferred verbatim.
    • Auto mode means the mode will be adjusted based on the type of file encountered, based on the extension. If there is no extension, that is when you have to choose ASCII or Binary modes.
  4. Start the transfer. Click the little arrow in the direction you want the transfer to occur.

That's all folks! You can use this client for FTP access to sites that offer files or to upload files.

I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
CoreFTPConnectDialog.JPGJPG CoreFTPConnectDialog.JPG manage 54 K 17 Mar 2018 - 19:07 Raymond Lutz  
CoreFTPInterface.JPGJPG CoreFTPInterface.JPG manage 106 K 17 Mar 2018 - 19:00 Raymond Lutz  
CoreFTPModeSettings.JPGJPG CoreFTPModeSettings.JPG manage 2 K 17 Mar 2018 - 19:00 Raymond Lutz  
UploadArrow.jpgjpg UploadArrow.jpg manage 7 K 17 Mar 2018 - 19:01 Raymond Lutz  
Topic revision: r8 - 17 Mar 2018, RaymondLutz
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