Cops Update 2014 Oct 05

Summary of Recent Events and activities

Upcoming Events

Occupy San Diego -- Third Annual Anniversary and Rally in support of Occupy Central in Hong Kong, Civic Center Plaza.

Let's support protesters in Hong Kong, where it will be 10AM when we start our event! Free elections with universal suffrage!

Election Integrity Meeting Training on Snapshot Protocol oversight procedure

This is an important training before the upcoming gubernatorial election in November, and we will be working to get more people providing desperately needed independent oversight to thwart central tabulator election fraud. Please join us as a member of our studio audience.

Learn to conduct the "Snapshot Election Review" procedure to thwart election fraud. This procedure can be deployed in any California county and in other states that also mandate some form of post-election manual audit.

Ray Lutz designed this oversight procedure, and he will be making the presentation to local attendees and anyone viewing the video stream on (citizensoversight channnel).

Gather at 11:30am for social networking. The presentation will start at noon, and last for approximately an hour, including questions.

The procedure itself is simple to implement as it takes only sending an email to the Registrar of Voters (ROV) and a total of a couple of visits to the ROV to pick up a CD, witness the 1% Manual Tally, and review final reports. Staff at Citizens Oversight Projects will assist in reducing and processing the files to detect election fraud. If fraud is detected, then we will activate our legal team to follow it up appropriately.

The project page for this is here:

The World Resources Simulation Center is one block from San Diego City Hall, adjacent to the Civic Center trolley station. Parking is free and prevalent on Sunday downtown. Lunch snacks will be served. Seating is limited, please RSVP.

Project updates:

Rock Church Ecpac Takeover

  • This project is in a holding pattern at this time. We submitted two documents to the City of El Cajon in an attempt to proactively stop an unreasonable takeover by the Rock Church.
  • The next City Council meetings are Oct 14 and Oct 28. We don't know when this will be back on the agenda, but there is an expectation that it will appear before the election.
    • Please be ready to attend when we get word that it is on the agenda. We usually will know on Friday prior to the meeting.

Stop The Unfair Settlement -- $3.3 Billion Settlement with Utilities over San Onofre Nuclear Plant.

  • In our last update, we noted that Southern California Edison and other settling parties submitted a "Revised Settlement Draft"
  • We expect a Proposed Decision and a round of comments before the CPUC actually votes on this, at a minimum.

Relevant and Interesting Links

This list was curated by Ray Lutz


In the interest of not making this too long, it will be held to the minimum. I hope this regular email blast will help keep everyone up to date and help you to be able to participate more productively.

Please contribute

As always, we will also ask for your kind contributions to help fund these activities!

Warm personal regards,
--Ray Lutz
Topic revision: r3 - 27 Feb 2015, RaymondLutz
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