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2012-03-19 -- HIGHLIGHTS:

19 Mar 2012 - Mon

  • Jury trial of Benjamin Gasper: the parties have agreed to continue the case so there will be no significant proceedings Monday, March 19, and a new date for the trial will be set then.. More info at the Facebook event page at Benjamin Gasper - Jury Trial.
  • (5:30p-9p) Beyond Money (& the Future of Civilization) - Activist San Diego and Women Occupy San Diego host Tom Greco, author of "The End of Money and the Future of Civilization". Tom is director of the Community Information Resource Center, a nonprofit consulting organization and networking hub dedicated to economic equity, social justice and community improvement, specializing in community currency and mutual credit design, development and implementation.
  • (7p) Activist San Diego meets at the Joyce Beers Center in Hillcrest
  • (6p) Facilitation Committee meets at Childrens Park

Read more below...


Power of the Net

Occupy Walk
Good morning on this rainy day in San Diego. The occupy walk USA team had a bumpy 24 hours and we lost our live stream photographer, Britten as well as our car support, Kevin. As usual, there were angels looking on and came to our rescue. The remaining walkers bundled up all the stuff that was in Kevin's car and the owner of Naja's -- the restaurant where the walkers had their meal last night with Suzan and Dennis -- said she would take all the supplies and equipment to a safe place in Needles, allowing the walkers to continue walking uninterrupted by the change. At this time I don't know the name of the owner of Naja's restaurant but I want to give a shout out to her for the gift of her assistance to keep the walk moving forward!

Stop SONGS (San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station = SONGS)
  • Next anti-nuke rally slated for April 28 (Sat) to commemorate Chernobyl disaster of 1986-04-26. Can you help us make this event even larger than the last one?
  • NEW New Facebook page: <-- Please like it!
  • See post-event notes here: M 11 San Onofre Protest And Rally
  • Full video of the rally: Fukushima Remembered (2 parts)
  • Review of livestream showed 0.015 mR/hr which is about 1.31 mSv/Yr. The legal maximum ABOVE BACKGROUND is 1mSv/yr. So depending on what the background radiation is, this is right at or perhaps slightly over the legal maximum. The typical background radiation is about 3mSv/yr. Depends on how the device is calibrated, that is, perhaps the background is already zeroed out.
  • COPS will probably request documentation of surveys from the plant that are required by law regarding radiation levels around the plant.
  • The NRC sent a task team to inspect the San Onofre reactors regarding the blown steam generator tubes. Protestors will greet this team on Monday, the best we can figure. Media will be there anyway to cover the arrival of this inspection team.
  • After the NRC completes their inspections, they will be having a PUBLIC MEETING! Time/date and location not announced yet. This is a all-hands-on-deck event that can be the end of SONGS. We have to be ready to deploy to this public meeting.
  • It's getting worse for SONGS... another 4 tubes blew in the next test. That means they have a serious problem and the reactors will not be restarted for at least months. WE CAN MAKE IT PERMANENT!

Legal Hearings, etc.
  • Benjamin Gasper's trial: the parties have agreed to continue the case so there will be no significant proceedings Monday, March 19, and a new date for the trial will be set then.
  • Fish's trial will be on March 22nd.
  • Bobby Uribe's trial starts 4/19. Need witnesses to Bobby Uribe's arrest at port protest
  • HELP: Need video or eye witnesses, anyone who: 1) took video of Mr. Dennison's arrest, especially from the beginning; 2) witnessed Mr. Dennison's arrest; 3) Knows anything about the cops in the photo; 4) was harassed or arrested by any of the cops in the photos. The cops are Button and Newton. The Sgt. is Depress, and Depree started it. Please assist. Mr. Dennison was arrested on 10-28-11 at the civil center.


2012 Mar 19

Media: Occupy San Diego

  • 7 Tubes Fail Pressure Tests At San Onofre Four more tubes that carry radioactive water at a Southern California nuclear power plant failed pressure tests, bringing the number to seven and prompting new safety concerns, authorities disclosed.

Media: Occupy National and Global

  • Occupy protest anniversary ends with police sweep Dozens of police officers cleared the park where the Occupy movement was born six months ago and made several arrests after hundreds of protesters returned in an anniversary observance and defiantly resisted calls to clear out.

  • Dozens arrested at Occupy's 6-month anniversary rally The park remained closed on Sunday with a sprinkling of police surrounding it, keeping the area clear while crews cleaned up following Saturday night's protests. A sweep just before midnight, when roughly 300 demonstrators had gathered in the park, capped a day of protests and marching in lower Manhattan.

  • 25 People to Blame for the Financial Crisis The son of a butcher, Mozilo co-founded Countrywide in 1969 and built it into the largest mortgage lender in the U.S. Countrywide wasn't the first to offer exotic mortgages to borrowers with a questionable ability to repay them

  • Kansas to Pregnant Women: "A Little Lie from Your Doctor Won't Hurt You" But now politicians in Kansas are giving pregnant women and their partners something new to worry about. Buried in a sweeping anti-abortion bill is a provision that would immunize a doctor who discovers that a baby will be born with a devastating condition and deliberately withholds that information from his patient. That's right. If the bill passes, a doctor who opposes abortion could decide to lie about the results of your blood tests, your ultrasound, your cvs or your amnio. Lie to you so that you won't have information that might lead you to decide to end your pregnancy or that might lead you to learn more about your child's condition so that you are prepared to be the best parent you can be to your child.

  • Why the Rich Are Getting Richer curious thing has happened in the midst of all this misery. The wealthiest Americans, among them presumably the very titans of global finance whose misadventures brought about the financial meltdown, got richer. And not just a little bit richer; a lot richer. In 2009, the average income of the top five percent of earners went up, while on average everyone else's income went down. This was not an anomaly but rather a continuation of a 40-year trend of ballooning incomes at the very top and stagnant incomes in the middle and at the bottom. The share of total income going to the top one percent has increased from roughly eight percent in the 1960s to more than 20 percent today.

  • Greece develops cashless, Euro-free currency in tight economy In recent weeks, Theodoros Mavridis has bought fresh eggs, tsipourou (the local brandy: beware), fruit, olives, olive oil, jam, and soap. He has also had some legal advice, and enjoyed the services of an accountant to help fill in his tax return. None of it has cost him a euro, because he had previously done a spot of electrical work – repairing a TV, sorting out a dodgy light – for some of the 800-odd members of a fast-growing exchange network in the port town of Volos, midway between Athens and Thessaloniki.

  • Massive solar tower in Arizona to be world's 2nd largest building Plans for a massive solar tower are close to becoming a reality right in the middle of the Arizona desert. The relatively new technology uses turbines to force air heated by the sun up through a 2,600-foot chimney, creating electricity. The solar tower will generate more than 1 million megawatt hours, which would be enough for 150,000 homes, according to the company's president, Chris Davey.


  • General Assemblies no longer meet daily. See listing below for upcoming GA meeting dates. When GAs fall on a Saturday, meetings will be at Redwood Circle in Balboa Park (about two blocks northeast of 6th and Laurel) afternoons (check Calendar for times).
    • Weekly Saturday meetings will also be held at 2 PM at Freedom Plaza.
    • GAs require 20 participants for a quorum.
    • Committee/Working-Group members: Please update any changes or additions as desired to osd-feedback (at) citizensoversight (dot) org.
  • NEW Occupy San Diego maintains a website with a calendar, also committee and events forums, and more at
  • See Event list (below) and Occupy San Diego Calendar 2 for all upcoming events.
. But mark your calendars now for these!


  • (This list is automatically generated from the topic Occupy.Occupy San Diego Events). Scroll down the topic almost to the bottom or look at the Calendar for more events, not within the next 7 days.

19 Mar 2012 - Mon

  • Jury trial of Benjamin Gasper: the parties have agreed to continue the case so there will be no significant proceedings Monday, March 19, and a new date for the trial will be set then.. More info at the Facebook event page at Benjamin Gasper - Jury Trial.
  • (5:30p-9p) Beyond Money (& the Future of Civilization) - Activist San Diego and Women Occupy San Diego host Tom Greco, author of "The End of Money and the Future of Civilization". Tom is director of the Community Information Resource Center, a nonprofit consulting organization and networking hub dedicated to economic equity, social justice and community improvement, specializing in community currency and mutual credit design, development and implementation.
  • (7p) Activist San Diego meets at the Joyce Beers Center in Hillcrest
  • (6p) Facilitation Committee meets at Childrens Park

20 Mar 2012 - Tue

  • (10a) San Diego City Council Meeting (includes Public Comment) at 202 "C" St (12th floor), San Diego, CA 92101
  • (10a) San Diego City Council Meeting (includes Public Comment) at 202 "C" St (12th floor), San Diego, CA 92101
  • (1pm) Outside City Council 202 C Street -- The Mayor and his rich downtown cronies are at it once again, pushing a new deal at the 11th hour to give rich hoteliers the keys to the Convention Center and let them loot it for their own profit. If the Mayor and his allies pull this off, it's a direct threat to hundreds of union jobs at the Convention Center and will stifle the voices of all the workers who have a direct interest in the Convention Center. The City Council has a chance to stop this brazen giveaway, and we're going to make sure they hear from the taxpayers who may be on the hook for the giant bill while the profits go to hoteliers. Add your voice!

21 Mar 2012 - Wed

  • (2p) Occupy San Diego City College meets Wednesdays at Gorton Quad

22 Mar 2012 - Thu

  • (8:15a) Fish's trial starts, at the SD County Courthouse. Public might not be able to enter until the afternoon. See FB Event for updates.
  • (5p) Goldman-Sachs partnering with Cogentrix have plans to spoil some of Santee's undeveloped environs with a natural gas power plant which will spew an unrealistically lowballed estimate of 50 tons of carbon per year close to schools and more. Opposed? Concerned? Come to the CEC Public meeting at Mission Trails Park Visitors Center. There will only be room for 200 people so plan to arrive early. See Facebook Event page for more.
  • (6p-8p) A family-friendly Spaghetti "Fun-Raiser" for Women Occupy San Diego will be held at The Big Kitchen on 3003 Grape St. Entertainment by the Occupella Chorus! $10 - $20 sliding scale, children $5. See Facebook Event page.

23 Mar 2012 - Fri

  • (9a) Fish's trial continues. Jury selection in the morning, likely opening arguments in the afternoon (1:30p) Please come and support Fish, observers in the courtroom send a message to the jury. At the SD County Courthouse. Public might not be able to enter until the afternoon. See FB Event for updates.

24 Mar 2012 - Sat

  • (10:30a-12p) CANCELLED! Sue Zesky spoke with the GM of the dealership and they have agreed to stop advertising on Rush Limbaugh's show. REJECT RUSH - RESPECT WOMEN - Picket Rush Limbaugh sponsor Toyota Carlsbad just off the Cannon Road offramp of I-5.
  • (3p-7p) No War on Iran! at Childrens Park - following Norwuz March 21st which is celebrated as a new year in Iran.
  • (12p-2p) OccupYrCorner at one of the busiest corners in the city on a busy shopping day, at Balboa and Genesee. Check with Anita Simons on Facebook or email her at for links to print info handouts, and bring signs.
  • (1p) Women Occupy SD w/potluck at Childrens Park
  • (1p) Education committee meets at Childrens Park
  • (7p) "We the People" meets at the foot of Brighton Ave. at Ocean Beach For details ask Hex.
  • (1p-4p) Occupy Encinitas - 1 PM rally at the corner of Encinitas Blvd. and Coast Highway 101 followed by general assembly at 2:30 PM at Cottonwood Creek Park, corner of Encinitas Blvd. and Vulcan Ave. (GA meets at Leucadia Pizzeria if raining) More info: Facebook or Website

25 Mar 2012 - Sun

  • (2p) Trayvon Martin, who was unarmed, was shot and killed for no reason and the murderer walks free. San Diego must come together and rally support for Trayvon Martin’s parents, who are calling for (assailant) George Zimmerman’s arrest and prosecution. No parent should ever go through this tragedy. Meet for a rally in City Heights at Landis Park between the libary and rec. center at 4380 Landis near Fairmount and Wightman. FB event page
  • (2p-3p) - Meditation Teach-in at Childrens Park, by Nick Neild.
  • (7pm) Screening the film "Fukushima Never Again" with discussion following at Equality Hall, 1159 6th Ave, San Diego, CA 92101, (corner of 6th and B) in the basement of the Southern Hotel. Free street parking, esp. up 6th Ave near Balboa Park. FREE (This is a new venue that is available for progressive events, so please come and check it out!)

26 Mar 2012 - Mon

  • (8a-11a) Zenyatta's trial begins today at San Diego Superior access until after jury selection, but she would like us to meet outside the courthouse. Bring chalk and decorate the courthouse sidewalk! If you DARE. FB Event
  • (10:30a) Fish's trial continues, will probably finish today. Please come and support Fish, observers in the courtroom send a message to the jury. We need at least another 20 people. At the SD County Courthouse, dept 47. See FB Event for updates.
  • (10:30a) Call to action to protest and rally against Mitt Romney's appearance in SD for a fundraiser with Pete Wilson at the U.S. Grant Hotel downtown. Park free at Horton Plaza and come with signs reflecting that Romney is part of the GOP war against women's reproductive rights, healthcare, medicare and social security. Check Anita Simons' Facebook post for more info or contact her at for details.
  • (5p) Justice for Trayvon Martin Rally and March begins at Centro Cultural de la Raza in Balboa Park, followed by a march to Department of Justice, then a candlelight vigil.
  • (7p) Meeting regarding the demolition of ECPAC (East County Performing Arts Center) at Cocos Restaurant on Main In El Cajon. Meet for dinner at 6pm. For details on this project, see Save ECPAC. Sponsored by Citizens Oversight. Anyone interested in saving ECPAC should come to the meeting for an open discussion.
  • (6p) Facilitation Committee meets at Childrens Park


Saturday, 2012-04-28

Tuesday, 2012-05-01

  • 01 May 2012 - MAY DAY SAN DIEGO - A Day Without the 99% - International Workers Day by Occupy Labor Solidarity - also check Occupy Labor Solidarity's event page or FB Event page. Some of the events will run concurrently.
    • 01 May 2012 - (11a) City College Rally just east of Park Blvd. and A Street, then march to Civic Center Plaza.
    • 01 May 2012 - (12p) Rally at Civic Center Plaza - speakers to include workers from various occupations (small 'o'), then a march will start at Civic Center, go through downtown and end at the proposed Wal-Mart site in Sherman Heights between 21st and 22nd on Imperial Ave sometime after 2 PM.
    • 01 May 2012 - (2p-4p) Occupy San Diego Events at Civic Center Plaza. Also actions are planned in the financial district just a couple of blocks to the east at the various banks (B of A, Wells Fargo on B Street and at Citibank near Horton Plaza).
    • 01 May 2012 - (3:30p-6p) SDEA Rally at Roosevelt Middle School and March to Board Meeting - NOT AN OLS EVENT, This event for SDEA runs concurrently with the other events listed here. SDEA: The event begins at 3:30 at Roosevelt Middle School. Work at a late-start school? If you can’t make it to Roosevelt before the march takes off at 4:15, join the march at the Education Center on Normal Street from 4:45 – 5:15 before it loops back to Roosevelt.
    • 01 May 2012 - (4p-6p) OSD Labor Solidarity Rally at Civic Center and March to Chicano Park around 6 PM to join the event in progress at Chicano Park. There will be many speakers at Civic Center, representing organized and non-organized groups, including hotel workers, in-home care providers, representatives from student groups, LGBT activists on achieving equality in the workplace, and more.
    • 01 May 2012 - (5:30p) Chicano Park Festival
    • 01 May 2012 - (6p) March to and direct action at the Westin Hotel near Horton Plaza protesting management's lack of willingness to negotiate a new contract with the hotel workers there.
    • 01 May 2012 - (7p) GA at Freedom Plaza
  • UPDATED Bobby Uribe's court date has been postponed until June11th. <== click here to see the rest of the report.

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Things YOU can do right now to help.

I think a complaint to the Citizens Review Board of Police Practices CRBOPP is in order!


See All Occupy San Diego Announcements to read all previous announcements about
  • Where we meet, how to recover confiscated property from the San Diego Police Department, information for people were arrested, etc.


Have you been mistreated by the Police? Have your First Amendment rights been violated? Have you been arrested for nothing, only to have the charges "unfiled" but held over your head for up to a year?
  • NEW First read this document:
  • Make a Complaint: How to Make a Police Complaint
    • Use this form: Complaint Form
    • Forms also available in the lobby of City Hall.
    • Citizen's Review Board member says we do NOT need names & badge numbers. File the complaint & it's up to SDPD to determine who the officer was (But it is better if we have them, of course).
  • ALSO: By telephone or in writing to
    • SDPD Internal Affairs Unit, 1401 Broadway, MS 709, San Diego CA 92101, (619) 531-2801
    • Complaints made to the Citizens Review Board do not necessarily make it into the officers' personnel files
    • Read this: Making Police Compliants That Stick
  • Also, consider making a CLAIM against the city for your BOND money if charges were never filed. They have 45 days to reject the claim, then you file a lawsuit. It costs $400 to file unless you can claim low income.

  • NEW TELL POLICE HOW THEY ARE DOING: Police host monthly meetings in the community to get feedback from community members.

Lutz suing Civic Center Plaza building owners and operators Project Details
  • More on this project... Including collected media, documents, photos, videos, etc.
  • This is a VERY IMPORTANT project because we will directly engage wall street firms who own and operate the Civic Center Plaza office building.

Legal Resources
  • The National Lawyers Guild resources to protesters who have been arrested NEW 619-500-4486
  • 1st Circuit Rules Public Has Right to Videotape Police
  • What to say to cops if you're busted. What you say and do can hurt you in court -- This is what I advise my clients to say when confronted by a law enforcement officer: "Officer, please understand I refuse to talk with you until I consult with my attorney. I also refuse to consent to any search of these premises or any other premises under my control, or in which I have a possessory, proprietary, or privacy interest, including my car, my body, or effects. I hereby demand to immediately be allowed the reasonable opportunity to obtain the advice of my attorney by telephone. from:
  • To check if someone is in jail check this website:
    • It usually takes about 6 hours for someone who has been arrested to pop up here. This site will tell you their charges, bail, etc. Jail's number is (619) 615-2700. The jail won't tell you much if anything that is not on the website. Please check this website before saying someone is in or out of jail to avoid confusion.
  • FYI -- Penal Code 849.5. In any case in which a person is arrested and released and no accusatory pleading is filed charging him with an offense, any record of arrest of the person shall include a record of release. Thereafter, the arrest shall not be deemed an arrest, but a detention only.
  • -- Your rights when you are being arrested falsely.

Occupy San Diego Links

Links to sites/pages below that are no longer actively updated:



If you have:
  • lists of emails that should be subscribed
  • events or notices that should be included
  • needs or wants to request from our supporters
  • specific requests for volunteers
and we'll work to get that information included in this daily update.

Occupy San Diego is comprised of many people with diverse opinions. This email does not provide the official position of Occupy San Diego, but is compiled for the use of supporters and occupiers by a number of volunteers. News Media that may subscribe to this email blast should confirm all information from other sources.


Edited by Email Blast Team:
  • Ray Lutz (Editor)
  • Josephine P. (Media / Facebook)
  • Chris West (Events)

  • Occupy San Diego project page in "Common" web: Occupy San Diego
  • New Occupy Project (new web): Occupy Web -- we will be migrating to this new web.

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Topic revision: 19 Mar 2018, RaymondLutz
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