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2012-03-29 -- HIGHLIGHTS:

Read more below...

Occupy Walk Schedule

Occupy Walk has adopted a more practical walking schedule based on walking an average of 15 miles per day, 5 days per week. The additional 2 days off dedicated to outreach activities. FROM: Needles, CA TO:

City Miles Est Time Est. Date of Arrival Actual
San Diego, CA       Feb. 18, 2012
Needles, CA       March 20, 2012
Crossed into AZ       March 22, 2012
Lake Havasu       March 25, 2012
Oatman, AZ       March 27, 2012 Oatman Video
        Oatman to Golden Valley
Flagstaff, Arizona 213 mi 3 weeks April 15, 2012  
Albuquerque, NM 331 mi 4.5 wks May 16, 2012  
Amarillo, Texas 314 mi 4 weeks June 13, 2012  
Wichita, Kansas 346 mi 5 weeks July 18, 2012  
Kansas city, Mo. 215 mi 3 weeks Aug 8, 2012  
Fairfield, Iowa 237 mi 3 weeks Aug 29, 2012  
Chicago, Illinois 260 mi 3.5 wks Sept 23, 2012  
Gary, Indiana 28 mi 2 days Sept 25, 2012  
Toledo, Ohio 204 mi 3 weeks Oct 16, 2012  
Akron, Ohio 121 mi 2 weeks Oct 30, 2012  
Youngstown, Ohio 46 mi 3 days Nov 3, 2012  
Allentown, PA 317 mi 4.5 wks Dec 6, 2012  
Newark, NJ 76 mi 1 week Dec 14, 2012  
Zuccotti Park, NY 9 mi 1 day Dec 15, 2012  


_Remember Chernobyl and Three Mile Island Rally at San Onofre -- 2012-04-29 Info/RSVP

Occupy Walk

Stop SONGS (San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station = SONGS)

Legal Hearings, etc.
  • Jury returned a verdict of "guilty" for Brother Fish -- UNBELIEVABLE!
    • Sentencing scheduled for May.
  • Bobby Uribe's trial starts 4/19. Need witnesses to Bobby Uribe's arrest at port protest
  • Benjamin Gasper's trial: New Trial date has been set for May 29th.


2012 Mar 29

Media: Occupy San Diego

Media: Occupy National and Global

  • Japan in Uproar Over Censorship of Emperor's Anti-Nuclear SpeechThere is a particularly sensitive accusation reverberating through online discussion boards and social media in Japan: that Emperor Akihito's speech on the one year anniversary of the earthquake and tsunami was censored on TV for his comments about the nuclear disaster at Fukushima.

This report is generated from an extraction filter which may pick up irrelevant articles sometimes.


  • General Assemblies no longer meet daily. See listing below for upcoming GA meeting dates. When GAs fall on a Saturday, meetings will be at Redwood Circle in Balboa Park (about two blocks northeast of 6th and Laurel) afternoons (check Calendar for times).
    • UPDATED Finance Committee meets at 4:30 PM at Childrens Park on the same days that GAs meet. Also at 1 PM one hour before the 2 PM GA at Balboa Park every other Saturday.
    • Weekly Saturday meetings will also be held at 2 PM at Freedom Plaza.
    • GAs require 20 participants for a quorum.
    • Committee/Working-Group members: Please update any changes or additions as desired to osd-feedback (at) citizensoversight (dot) org.
  • NEW Occupy San Diego maintains a website with a calendar, also committee and events forums, and more at
  • See Event list (below) and Occupy San Diego Calendar 2 for all upcoming events.
. But mark your calendars now for these!


  • (This list is automatically generated from the topic Occupy.Occupy San Diego Events). Scroll down the topic almost to the bottom or look at the Calendar for more events, not within the next 7 days.

30 Mar 2012 - Fri

31 Mar 2012 - Sat

01 Apr 2012 - Sun

  • (11a) OSD Wellness Committee presents The Joke's on Us (the 99%) parade right across from the Farmer's Market, at the DMV in Hillcrest on the Cleveland Ave side. Come early to cash-mob the Farmer's Market! Download an appropriately themed promotional flyer here. Dress the fool and play the part!
  • (2p) Women Occupy San Diego's Occupella Chorus will have their monthly reheasal. See the web page for sign up/contact details.
  • (7p) The Peace Resource Center will sponsor Jeff Paterson, speaking of Bradley Manning's upcoming court martial, and about his new book, "About Face: Military Resisters Turn Against War". The doors open at 6:30 pm so that his talk can begin promptly at 7 pm. Free. Donations are appreciated. Light refreshments

02 Apr 2012 - Mon

03 Apr 2012 - Tue

04 Apr 2012 - Wed

  • (8a-3:20p) Political Economy Days at Palomar College broadening students’ exposure to political, economic and historical topics. Occupiers Eva David and Benjamin Cossel will present the topic: "Occupy, the Changing Face of Activism" at 9:30. Other presentations will cover the wealth divide, the effects of corporate (self) interests, and more. Free. FB Event
  • (2p) Occupy San Diego City College meets Wednesdays at Gorton Quad

05 Apr 2012 - Thu

  • (8a-3:20p) Political Economy Days at Palomar College continues, broadening students’ exposure to political, economic and historical topics. Presentations will cover the wealth divide, the effects of corporate (self) interests, and more. Free. FB Event
  • (12p, arrive 11:45a) Megan Burke of KPBS will interview David Jacob of Occupy San Diego, at KPBS studios near SDSU on what our accomplishments are, where we are going from here, etc. GA consensed on three individuals, including Hex and John Canter, from which David was chosen by straw poll. After the selection an ad hoc working group met to go over talking points and input for David to present to the interviewer and audience.
  • (2p & 6p) Public Participation Meeting regarding SDG&E Charging rate-payers for wildfire costs instead of stockholders. At Al Bahr Auditorium 5440 Kearny Mesa Rd, San Diego, CA 92111


Tuesday, 2012-04-24

  • 24 Apr 2012 - (9a) Sentencing for Fish...come out and be there for our brother Fish during his sentencing! He may be facing JAIL TIME for standing up for what is right and requesting a jury trial. Dept. 47 of San Diego Superior Court.
  • 24 Apr 2012 - (4:30p) COME SUPPORT OUR HERO! March and Rally in support of accused whistleblower Pfc. Bradley Manning. Gather at 3rd Ave & Beech/Cedar St. bridge for bannering, then at 5:15, march to Horton Plaza for rally and speakers. Manning will appear in court April 24-26 at Ft. Meade, MD.
  • 24 Apr 2012 - (5:30p) Help keep San Onofre shut down! Attend and speak out at Vista city council meeting at Vista City Hall. We are going city by city to get the council members on board with KEEPING San Onofre shut down. The cities of Solana Beach, Irvine, and Laguna are already on board with this.

Sunday, 2012-04-29

  • 29 Apr 2012 - OSD ENDORSED - "Three Mile Island! Chernobyl! Fukushima! San Onofre?" - Anti-Nuke Rally and Protest at San Onofre to commemorate the 26th anniversary of the continuing Chernobyl meltdown which started on 1986-04-26, the 33-year anniversary of the Three-Mile Island accident, and the continuing disaster at Fukushima (that experts say is perhaps 20x worse than Chernobyl.) Details -- FB Event Page -- BUS TICKETS ARE RUNNING OUT, PLEASE SIGN UP NOW!

Tuesday, 2012-05-01

  • 01 May 2012 - MAY DAY SAN DIEGO - A Day Without the 99% - International Workers Day by Occupy Labor Solidarity - also check Occupy Labor Solidarity's event page or FB Event page. Some of the events will run concurrently.
    • 01 May 2012 - (11a) City College Rally just east of Park Blvd. and A Street, then march to Civic Center Plaza.
    • 01 May 2012 - (12p) Rally at Civic Center Plaza - speakers to include workers from various occupations (small 'o'), then a march will start at Civic Center, go through downtown and end at the proposed Wal-Mart site in Sherman Heights between 21st and 22nd on Imperial Ave sometime after 2 PM.
    • 01 May 2012 - (2p-4p) Occupy San Diego Events at Civic Center Plaza. Also actions are planned in the financial district just a couple of blocks to the east at the various banks (B of A, Wells Fargo on B Street and at Citibank near Horton Plaza).
    • 01 May 2012 - (3:30p-6p) SDEA Rally at Roosevelt Middle School and March to Board Meeting - NOT AN OLS EVENT, This event for SDEA runs concurrently with the other events listed here. SDEA: The event begins at 3:30 at Roosevelt Middle School. Work at a late-start school? If you can’t make it to Roosevelt before the march takes off at 4:15, join the march at the Education Center on Normal Street from 4:45 – 5:15 before it loops back to Roosevelt.
    • 01 May 2012 - (4p-6p) OSD Labor Solidarity Rally at Civic Center and March to Chicano Park around 6 PM to join the event in progress at Chicano Park. There will be many speakers at Civic Center, representing organized and non-organized groups, including hotel workers, in-home care providers, representatives from student groups, LGBT activists on achieving equality in the workplace, and more.
    • 01 May 2012 - (5:30p) Chicano Park Festival
    • 01 May 2012 - (6p) March to and direct action at the Westin Hotel near Horton Plaza protesting management's lack of willingness to negotiate a new contract with the hotel workers there.
    • 01 May 2012 - (7p) GA at Freedom Plaza
  • UPDATED Bobby Uribe's court date has been postponed until June11th. <== click here to see the rest of the report.

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Things YOU can do right now to help.

OSD Chaplain Ron Dismuke
The 500 stood as One at THE HALL OF JUSTICE at 7pm. As at City Heights, it was an honor to speak. The SDPD officer on Broadway told me it was a "black" march and I said, "no I believe this is a family march and I am a part of the family." I felt the love too.

Here's the thing, this is from the chaplain's heart: We are going to share heaven together. My prayer is can we pull this off here. For me, how can I say I love God and I don't share that same love for the person standing next to me.


See All Occupy San Diego Announcements to read all previous announcements about
  • Where we meet, how to recover confiscated property from the San Diego Police Department, information for people were arrested, etc.


Have you been mistreated by the Police? Have your First Amendment rights been violated? Have you been arrested for nothing, only to have the charges "unfiled" but held over your head for up to a year?
  • NEW First read this document:
  • Make a Complaint: How to Make a Police Complaint
    • Use this form: Complaint Form
    • Forms also available in the lobby of City Hall.
    • Citizen's Review Board member says we do NOT need names & badge numbers. File the complaint & it's up to SDPD to determine who the officer was (But it is better if we have them, of course).
  • ALSO: By telephone or in writing to
    • SDPD Internal Affairs Unit, 1401 Broadway, MS 709, San Diego CA 92101, (619) 531-2801
    • Complaints made to the Citizens Review Board do not necessarily make it into the officers' personnel files
    • Read this: Making Police Compliants That Stick
  • Also, consider making a CLAIM against the city for your BOND money if charges were never filed. They have 45 days to reject the claim, then you file a lawsuit. It costs $400 to file unless you can claim low income.

  • NEW TELL POLICE HOW THEY ARE DOING: Police host monthly meetings in the community to get feedback from community members.

Lutz suing Civic Center Plaza building owners and operators Project Details
  • More on this project... Including collected media, documents, photos, videos, etc.
  • This is a VERY IMPORTANT project because we will directly engage wall street firms who own and operate the Civic Center Plaza office building.

Legal Resources
  • The National Lawyers Guild resources to protesters who have been arrested NEW 619-500-4486
  • 1st Circuit Rules Public Has Right to Videotape Police
  • What to say to cops if you're busted. What you say and do can hurt you in court -- This is what I advise my clients to say when confronted by a law enforcement officer: "Officer, please understand I refuse to talk with you until I consult with my attorney. I also refuse to consent to any search of these premises or any other premises under my control, or in which I have a possessory, proprietary, or privacy interest, including my car, my body, or effects. I hereby demand to immediately be allowed the reasonable opportunity to obtain the advice of my attorney by telephone. from:
  • To check if someone is in jail check this website:
    • It usually takes about 6 hours for someone who has been arrested to pop up here. This site will tell you their charges, bail, etc. Jail's number is (619) 615-2700. The jail won't tell you much if anything that is not on the website. Please check this website before saying someone is in or out of jail to avoid confusion.
  • FYI -- Penal Code 849.5. In any case in which a person is arrested and released and no accusatory pleading is filed charging him with an offense, any record of arrest of the person shall include a record of release. Thereafter, the arrest shall not be deemed an arrest, but a detention only.
  • -- Your rights when you are being arrested falsely.

Occupy San Diego Links

Links to sites/pages below that are no longer actively updated:



If you have:
  • lists of emails that should be subscribed
  • events or notices that should be included
  • needs or wants to request from our supporters
  • specific requests for volunteers
and we'll work to get that information included in this daily update.

Occupy San Diego is comprised of many people with diverse opinions. This email does not provide the official position of Occupy San Diego, but is compiled for the use of supporters and occupiers by a number of volunteers. News Media that may subscribe to this email blast should confirm all information from other sources.


Edited by Email Blast Team:
  • Ray Lutz (Editor)
  • Josephine P. (Media / Facebook)
  • Chris West (Events)

  • Occupy San Diego project page in "Common" web: Occupy San Diego
  • New Occupy Project (new web): Occupy Web -- we will be migrating to this new web.

This topic: Occupy > WebHome > OccupySanDiegoEmailBlast2012Mar29
Topic revision: 19 Mar 2018, RaymondLutz
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