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CopsUpdate2014Oct05 * http://// == click here for Web Version of this page, for best viewing. * CopsUpdates Archive of all COPS updates emails. * http:/...
The venue is in the basement of the Southern Hotel and the 6th and B Bistro. It has restrooms, stage, sound system, and professional grade lights. Three blocks fr...
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* Occupy_San_Diego_Press_Release v8.pdf: Kick off press release for Occupy San Diego
Occupy San Diego requests that the San Diego City Council accept a resolution similar to the one adopted by Los Angeles. Resolution Provided to San Diego City Co...
* DeMaio Compromise Proposal to Locate Temporary Homeless Shelter in City Concourse Approved
* See also: EncroachmentLaw, Occupy.OccupySanDiego Lawsuit Documents * OccupySD_complaint_for_TRO.pdf Complaint for TRO * OccupySD_memorandum_for_MPA_for_...
* 2011 11 28 COPS Letter to CivicCenterPlazaBuildingOwner.pdf: 2011 11 28 COPS Letter to CivicCenterPlazaBuildingOwner.pdf
* 2011 11 28 COPS CPRA SanDiego RecordsOfCivicCenterPlazaBuilding.pdf: CPRA Records of Civic Center Plaza Building
M1207 nVR0
Occupy San Diego Canvass for a Cause For immediate release 11/29/2011Contact: Rachel Scoma, Esq. Rachel #64; 760 271 0579Former Congressional ...
TRO_denied.pdf: Ruling by the court regarding request for TRO on SDMC54.0110 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTSOUTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA EUGENE DAVIDOVICH, an ind...
_ This is what they do in banana republics and undemocratic societies. former San Diego City Attorney MichaelAguirre, calling arrest a violation of the Civil Rig...
A total of 51 Occupy San Diego protesters were arrested early Friday morning and two more were arrested later in the day. San Diego Police Officers and San Diego ...
CLICK FOR VIDEO SAN DIEGO About 20 members of Occupy San Diego tried to make a citizen's arrest of Mayor Jerry Sanders Monday, alleging that he committed embezz...
SAN DIEGO (CNS) About 20 members of Occupy San Diego tried to make a citizen's arrest of Mayor Jerry Sanders Monday, alleging that he committed embezzlement whe...
Goldman Sachs is majority owner of property management firm headed by Senator Feinstein s husband Story by Miriam Raftery, photos by Ron Logan November 30, 2011 (...
CONTACT: Ray Lutz, COPS Coordinator raylutz #64; / 619 820 5321 San Diego County, California FOR IMMEDIA...
After the massive clearing of Civic Center Plaza and the arrest of 51 protesters in the early morning hours, this activist was arrested for supposedly setting dow...
Media Contact: Ray Lutz 619 820 5321 / raylutz #64; FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE City of San Diego to Approve Settlement with Ray Lutz for Voter R...
DOWNTOWN SAN DIEGO East County activist Ray Lutz received a $60,000 legal settlement from the city Tuesday stemming from his 2011 arrest for trespassing while t...
SAN DIEGO, Dec. 10, 2013 /PRNewswire USNewswire/ A First Amendment attorney who the San Diego City Attorney was prosecuting has now had all charges against him ...
Police cleared Civic Center Plaza and Children's Park in the early morning hours of 2011 10 28 and 51 people were arrested, gear and tents confiscated. This video...
Get Bumper Stickers! Objective: Permanent decommissioning of San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) WE WON! Southern California Edison announced a pe...
VoterRegistrationArrestOfRayLutz Sub projects Status * Common.RayLutz arrested while engaging in the peaceful political activity of voter registration at Com...
Number of topics: 26
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