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Treehuggers International 2010 Voting Guide

Treehuggers International (2010-10-27) Editor

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Treehuggers International 2010 Voting Guide

U.S. Representative, 52nd District – Ray Lutz

Ray Lutz worked with the town of Potrero to kick out the corporate welfare-funded private contractor army of Blackwater, kept in business with long-term missions in Iraq and Afghanistan in which they were answerable to no one and needlessly cultivated a Wild West atmosphere. For this reason alone, you should give Ray Lutz your vote if you’re in the Duncan Hunterland of the 52nd District.

Mr. Lutz is also a proponent of green energy and solar panels, which San Diego County should be the world leader in, and likes to call incumbent Duncan D. Hunter, the first-term son of long-running Congressman Duncan Hunter, “junior.”

With all due respect to Duncan D. Hunter’s genuinely courageous military service, his political positions include deporting the children of illegal aliens born in the U.S., and referring to Arizona’s SB 1070 law as “a fantastic starting point” for dealing with illegal immigration. Hunter also doggedly saw to it to finish the border wall through Smuggler’s Gulch near Imperial Beach, after his father arranged for an environmental waiver from the Bush administration to build it, thereby creating a legacy-building photo opportunity for the elder Hunter. Problem? Not only did the border fence waiver wipe out wildlife corridors to and from the Tijuana Slough, but even the Border Patrol didn’t want Hunter’s wall built in the first place.

Duncan D. Hunter’s father held the 52nd’s Congressional seat for 28 years before passing it along to his son, and while the elder Hunter was a staunch conservative with little time for environmental considerations, he at least had an independent streak, whereas Duncan D. Hunter seems to have a soft spot for the most extreme rhetoric of the Tea Party, yet has the luxury of representing a district which doesn’t demand he explain himself more thoroughly. Which leaves the rest of us wondering if Hunter is just a cynical politician or really believes this stuff.

Please give Ray Lutz your vote on November 2nd, and vote for a man who would represent ALL the citizens of California’s 52nd, not just authoritarian conservatives who vote on brand loyalty and name recognition.

Media Form edit

Title Treehuggers International 2010 Voting Guide
Publisher Treehuggers International
Author Editor
Pub Date 2010-10-27
Media Link
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Note Features Ray Lutz and Duncan Hunter Jr
Keywords CA 50 Congressional District
Media Type Linked Article
Media Group News
Curator Rating Plain
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Topic revision: r2 - 25 Feb 2013, RaymondLutz
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