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Vote Count - San Diego County - Feb 5, 2008

Citizens Oversight (2008-02-05) Raymond Lutz

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More Info: Election Integrity

Secretary of State Debra Bowen decertified touch-screen Diebold voting machines and told San Diego County to use paper ballots. But guess what? They are using Diebold scanners, the same ones they used in the precincts and are relying on a central tabulator "black box" and trust in a single person to make sure it is right. Very few checks are performed during the vote counting process at all. For example, there are 100 scanners used to scan ballots from the precincts on election night. Those scanners produce a tape showing a zero report and completion report for each precinct. Instead of comparing this tape somewhere in the process, they simply store it with the ballots and never read it. The paper report could be different from the memory card data used in the scanner. That is just the tip of the iceberg of the potential problems here.

See for a proposed solution to these many problems: the Open Ballot Initiative.

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Title Vote Count - San Diego County - Feb 5, 2008
Publisher Citizens Oversight
Author Raymond Lutz
Pub Date 2008-02-05
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Note Registrar Of Voters - Very important video detailing the vote counting process in San Diego County; San Diego County Canvass Procedure
Keywords Election Integrity
Media Type Video
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Curator Rating Highlighted
Author Name Sortable Lutz, Raymond
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Topic revision: r13 - 24 Dec 2016, RaymondLutz
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