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Padre Dam Municipal Water District Elects Officers for 2008

Padre Dam Municipal Water District (2008-01-08) Melissa Mc Chesney

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Melissa Mc Chesney
Communications Coordinator
(619) 258-4680

Padre Dam Municipal Water District Elects Officers for 2008

Santee, CA – At the January 8, 2008 board meeting, the Padre Dam Municipal Water District Board of Directors elected new officers for 2008.

Augie Scalzitti is a Santee resident and was first appointed to Padre Dam’s Board in 1993. He was elected to his position in 2001 and 2005. Scalzitti, a former local business owner of 40 years, specializes in property management. Scalzitti has served on a variety of committees within and outside of Padre Dam. He is currently serving on the San Diego Area Wastewater Management District and as an alternate on the Metro Wastewater Joint Powers Authority.

August Caires, an Alpine resident, was appointed to Padre Dam’s Board in 2007 to complete the remainder of a vacated term. Caires served as General Manager for the District for 13 years prior to retiring in July 2006. Caires’ experience includes over 37 years in the public sector with extensive experience in utility management (27 years), and a strong background in budgeting, capital facilities planning, personnel management, emergency services and strategic planning.

Dan Mc Millan, an El Cajon resident, served on Padre Dam’s Board from 1995-2003. He was elected again to his current term beginning in 2007. Mc Millan currently serves as Padre Dam’s representative on the San Diego County Water Authority Board. Mc Millan is president of MCCO Construction & Realty, and MCCO Enterprises, a vehicle rental company. He holds a Masters of Business Administration in Finance and Masters of Science in Mathematics.

James Maletic and Andrew Menshek continue to serve as Padre Dam Board members.

James Maletic is an El Cajon resident and registered construction inspector and licensed general contractor. Maletic’s experience includes 39 years of engineering and construction experience in public agencies, engineering firms and his own companies.

Andrew Menshek, an El Cajon resident, has served as a Padre Dam Board member since 1995. Menshek most recently served as Padre Dam’s Board president for 2007. Menshek is a Battalion Chief with the San Miguel Fire Department. He currently serves on the Local Agencies Formation Commission (LAFCO) and LAFCO’s Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services Task Force.

Padre Dam Municipal Water District provides water, wastewater, recycled water and parks and recreation for a service area population of 97,000 in the eastern suburbs of San Diego, California.

9300 Fanita Parkway, Santee, California 92071 T 619 448-3111 F 619 449-9469

Media Form edit

Title Padre Dam Municipal Water District Elects Officers for 2008
Publisher Padre Dam Municipal Water District
Author Melissa Mc Chesney
Pub Date 2008-01-08
Media Link
Embed HTML
Keywords Local Politics, Padre Dam Municipal Water District
Media Type PDF
Media Group News, News Release
Curator Rating Plain
Author Name Sortable
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PadreDamBoardOfficers2008.pdfpdf PadreDamBoardOfficers2008.pdf manage 21 K 26 Jun 2014 - 21:23 Raymond Lutz Padre Dam Municipal Water District Elects Officers for 2008
Topic revision: r6 - 11 Mar 2015, RaymondLutz
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