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School trustee sealed his political future

Union Tribune (2009-09-15) Joe Nagle

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School trustee sealed his political future

Concerning La Mesa-Spring Valley school board member Rick Winet's public statements as to why he voted to ban the president's broadcast from classroom showings, I would ask: Does he really think a 20-minute address from the president constitutes an assault on the Constitution and attempt to “control public school curriculum”?

In what reality is asking the kids to stay in school, work hard, set goals, help their community, their president and thereby their country, a sinister attempt to brainwash our children into becoming Democrats? Under what circumstances would a message of the values of hard work and responsibility not be meaningful to any student from kindergarten through eighth grade?

I am afraid that Winet's stubborn refusal to recognize he made a bonehead decision along with his use of the term “socialistic message” makes it clear what he is. He should resign. But resign or not, I hope he can face the reality that he has no future in public office.

La Mesa

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Title School trustee sealed his political future
Publisher Union Tribune
Author Joe Nagle
Pub Date 2009-09-15
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Note La Mesa Spring Valley School Board
Media Type Linked Article
Media Group Op Ed
Curator Rating Plain
Author Name Sortable
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Topic revision: r1 - 16 Sep 2009, RaymondLutz
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