Oversight Suggestions In Arizona and Florida for 2016-08 Primary

Citizens Oversight (2016-08-29) Ray Lutz

This Page: https://copswiki.org/Common/OversightSuggestionsInArizonaAndFlorida
More Info: Election Integrity, Election Team, Snapshot Protocol, Snapshot Protocol


Citizens' Oversight Projects is developing a network of citizens who can help us provide oversight of our rigged and hacked elections!

We need your help in the Florida and Arizona primaries in August, 2016.

Here are specific suggestions for volunteers who are providing oversight to Florida and Arizona in the 2016-08-30 Primary

County Targets

We are looking for support in the top counties in Florida and at least two counties in Arizona.


Since we have limited resources, we are targeting the most important districts according to the "Pareto Principle" (AKA 80/20 rule). Actually, we will target first the top 20% and then the top 40% of counties.

FL_map.JPG The top counties (shown in red) are (in order of importance):
  1. Miami-Dade
  2. Broward
  3. Palm Beach
  4. Hillsborough
  5. Orange
  6. Pinellas
  7. Duval
  8. Lee
  9. Brevard
  10. Polk
  11. Volusia
  12. Pasco
  13. Sarasota

These alone comprise about 66% of the voters in the state.

If we include the next top 20% (shown in Blue), we include: Seminole, Marion, Manatee, Lake, Escambia, Collier, Leon, St. Lucie, Osceola, St. Johns, Alachua, Clay, Okaloosa, and Hernando. These altogether comprise about 88% of the voters in the state. There are another 40 counties in the state but these are only 12% of the vote. Certainly, if you also want to provide oversight to your home county not in this list, then by all means do so. But we really desperately need to deal with those at the top of the list. 27% of the voters are in the top three counties alone, Miami-Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach.

We decided to include two more counties to the top 13, to round it out to 15 counties which comprises 71% of the electorate. That means we added Seminole and Marion to our first set.

Bottomline: we need boots-on-the-ground help in Florida.


Arizona is not one of our targeted states. However, it has several districts that do rate in our top 175 target districts (which comprise 50% of the electorate). In fact, after Los Angeles County, MARICOPA COUNTY (Phoenix area) has the second highest number of voters in the nation. PIMA COUNTY (Tucson Area) is number 50 in the nation. In our view, these are the only counties we will focus on in Arizona, as those two counties alone comprise about 75% of the electorate in the state.

Audits in these states.

These states are similar in how the do their election audits. They are minimal in power but are not worthless, especially to discourage hackers and fraudsters from even trying, if they know they might be caught. In Florida, they are supposed to chose one random race and one random precinct. You can't do any less than that, so it isn't any sort of high-powered audit they are using.

Canvassing Schedule for August 30 Primary Election

Here is the schedule as known today. If you do not see the schedule for the audit selection and manual audit, perhaps you can help us find this information when it becomes available. We will be updating this page as new information becomes available, so check back occasionally.



More info: copswiki.org/Common/OversightSuggestionsInArizonaAndFlorida
These meetings are very short but it is critical that we record them because otherwise
Election officials can rig the elections. PLEASE HELP!
NOTE: Please check with election office before to find out if selection meeting will be held. Recounts may eliminate the manual tally procedure. See the following: These are the counties I’ve been able to identify that have announced recounts. Audits will not happen in: Marion, Hillsborough, Miami-Dade, Brevard
See Marion Random Draw for details.

County Rank Audit Selection Manual Audit Comments Audit Selection Video
Orange 5 09/01/16 (10:00 am) 09/08/16 (8 am) 119 West Kaley Street, Orlando FL  
Pinellas 6 09/01/16 (3:00 pm)   13001 Starkey Rd., Largo, FL  
Sarasota 13 09/01/16 (4:30 pm) 09/06/16 (9 am) 101 S. Washington Blvd., Sarasota, FL  
Seminole 14 09/01/16 (5:00 pm) 09/07/16 (10 am) 1500 E. Airport Blvd. Sanford, FL  
Marion 15 09/01/16 (5:01 pm). 09/06/16 (3 pm) 981 NE 16th Street, Ocala, FL
Machine Recount scheduled for Sat 2016-09-03 10am
Marion Random Draw
Lee 8 09/02/16 (9:00 am) 09/07/16 (9 am) 2480 Thompson Street, Fort Myers, FL  
Brevard 9 09/06/16 (9:00 am) (CANCELLED) 09/07/16 at 9:00 a.m. (CANCELLED) 2725 Judge Fran Jamieson Way, Bldg C, Melbourne, FL 32941  
Broward 2 09/06/16 (12:30 pm) 09/09/16 at 10 am Broward County Canvassing Board will convene at the Supervisor of Elections Voting Equipment Center, 1501 N.W. 40th Avenue, Lauderhill, Florida 33313.  
Duval 7 09/06/16 (5 pm) Notice of manual audit not yet available 105 East Monroe Street, Jacksonville, FL 32202  
Hillsborough 4 09/06/16 (10 am) (CANCELLED) 09/09/16 (10 am) (CANCELLED) 2514 N. Falkenburg Rd., Tampa, FL 33619  
Miami-Dade 1 09/03/16 (10 am) 9/8 -13 (10 am) 2700 NW 87th Ave, Miami, FL 33152  
Palm Beach 3 Notice not available as of 8/27.   240 South Military Trail, West Palm Beach, FL 33416
From Aug 31 press release: Canvassing Board meetings are held at the Supervisor of Elections Service Center, located at 7835 Central Industrial Drive, Riviera Beach, FL 33404
Pasco 12 09/06/16 (3:00 pm) See email response below. 14236 6th Street, Suite 200, Dade City, FL 33526  
Polk 10 No schedule information found   250 South Broadway Avenue, Bartow, FL 33831  
Volusia 11 Not found   125 W. New York Ave., De Land, FL 32720  


County Rank Audit Selection Manual Audit Comments
Maricopa 1     They are not forthcoming with information! Said no one can observe.
Pima 2 8/31 10:00 AM (planning)
9/3 7:30am Selection
  6550 S. Country Club Road (Pima County Elections Office), Tucson 85756, Ph #: (520) 724-6830

What we want you to do

There may be other things you can see at your elections office, so try to be ultra aware of what is going on. Use your photo or video camera as much as you can. But we have some very specific tasks.

  1. Provisional screening -- Spend some time watching the screening of provisional ballots. Normally, only the signature should be compared, not the address. This happens prior to the certified results.
  2. Snapshot File -- Prior to the Audit Selection meeting, find and download the results of the election. We call this the Snap Shotfile. In Florida, these are the certified results. Other areas may call these the unofficial results. We need the results separated out by PRECINCT, RACE, and BALLOT TYPE. Best to get all forms available. Sometimes only PDF but CSV file is sometimes easier to load into a spreadsheet or open with a program.
    • Please email these to info@citizensoversight.org or at least let us know you have it and we can give you instructions to get it to us. We want to archive these on our website.
  3. Audit Selection Meeting -- Attend the Audit Selection meeting and VIDEO RECORD the entire meeting. (see M 801for some tips -- Nowadays, you can just use your cell phone, but it may be a long meeting, so a tripod and a little cell-phone clamp may be needed. )
    • We want to make sure they are picking both the race and precinctAT RANDOM so it is a complete surprise to them.
      • If they choose these by numbers, those must be assigned and available in lists BEFORE the selection.
    • Please send us the video or upload to You Tube or another service and give us the link.
    • If they say you can't record the meeting, stand your ground! Of course you can!
      • This is a public meeting, not one processing the ballots. You have the right to record these meetings as long as you are not disruptive. We have had to have some confrontation in the past over this point. Be sure to bring the text of the actual law in your state. If they persist, ask them to explain what they are afraid of, and tell them your recording is for educational purposes. * We sent an email to all the counties we mentioned (top 15 in FL, top 2 in AZ), shown below.
      • Florida Recording Law: http://www.dmlp.org/legal-guide/florida-recording-law
        • QUOTE: If you attend a public meeting (i.e., a meeting of a governmental body required to be open to the public by law) in Florida, generally you are permitted to use sound or video recording devices, so long as your recording does not disrupt the meeting.
      • Arizona Recording Law: http://www.dmlp.org/legal-guide/arizona-recording-law
        • QUOTE: Arizona's open meetings law provides that "[a]ll or any part of a public meeting of a public body may be recorded by any person in attendance by means of a tape recorder or camera or any other means of sonic reproduction, provided that there is no active interference with the conduct of the meeting." A.R.S. § 38-431.01(F).
    • Take a snapshot with your camera of the selected numbers.
    • If they do not allow you to record the meeting, despite your most assertive objection, then please document the situation, (video record it if possible, or secondly, audio record it).
    • Arrange to have another person who will simply attend if you plan to stand your ground and take the recording at the risk of arrest.
      • Being arrested for trying to record an election audit meeting will be a huge feather in your hat and will allow the issue to be settled in a court of law. We are supposed to have first amendment rights!
  4. Watch the Manual Tally procedure.You must be able to get close enough to see the ballots and confirm they talliers are marking it correctly.
    • Most important is the end of the process to see what they do if there is a difference.
    • Talliers should NOT know the official results before they start, but if they checked the file we downloaded, they would know, so this is a bit of a defect in the process.
    • Some counties let us record the general situation in the room as long as we make it clear the camera will not focus on individual ballots (although with no identifying marks on the ballots, it makes no sense to worry about that but they are over the top on establishing control.) The only time it is a genuine concern is if you can both identify the voter and see the ballot such as when provisionals and VBM ballots are processed. That is a crime, so you don't want to try to do that and generally be willing to cooperate. Bottom line is that you can try to record it but if you can't get it, it is not as important as the SNAPSHOT file and the SELECTION PROCESS.

An example

Here is a sample video we made of the selection process in San Diego. San Diego only selects PRECINCTS and not RACES because CA law requires that all races be audited. In this video, we also notice that they chose too few VBM "batches" and this led to our lawsuit.

Please join our team.

Email to Elections Officials

Citizens Oversight sent the following email to elections officials in the targeted counties on 8/30,
To:        (list of emails of elections officials)
From:   raylutz@citizensoversight.org
Subject: Citizen Oversight of Audit-related Public Meetings for August 30, 2016 Primary Election

[Please confirm your reception of this email.]

Dear Elections Official:

Our organization's primary mission is increased civic engagement and increased oversight by the public
of the processing of our elections. In this election, we are encouraging citizens to provide oversight of your 
public meetings regarding selection of races and precincts involved in manual tally audits in your county.

Because these are public meetings and contain no sensitive material, (such as ballots, signatures, etc.)
we believe the public has the right to video record these meetings, as with all other public meetings these
days. As a matter of courtesy, we wanted you to be forewarned that citizens may wish to attend these 
meetings AND will want to discretely video record the selection process.

We have told the volunteers that they will likely not be allowed to video record the actual tallying process,
but since the ballots have been separated from information regarding the identity of the voter, this
restriction is hardly makes sense. Nevertheless, it has become customary not to video record this process
and the volunteers are aware of these likely restrictions of that process.

Please let us know in advance if you intend to block access or disallow video recording of the audit selection 
public meetings. According to state "sunshine" laws, such recording is allowed unless it disrupts
the meeting. We have provided instructions to these volunteers not to disrupt the meeting.

The other thing we have asked them to do is to download the election results, broken down by precinct, race,
and ballot type, prior to the selection procedure. We believe you normally provide this on your website. If not, 
those members of the public may request that file. It is essential that these results are "frozen" prior to the 
random selection so that there is no possibility that the computer results could be changed. From what we 
have been able to learn, it appears that you normally publish this file. Nevertheless, we suggest that you 
mention the location of the published file in your meeting.

Although we have suggested that members of the public attend these meetings and document what is done,
they are not officially representing Citizens Oversight, Inc. but act instead as individual members of the public.


Ray Lutz
Citizens Oversight, Inc.
A 501(c)3 nonprofit Organization.
(phone number)

Responses to the email

Pasco County

Mr. Lutz et al,
I’m in receipt of your email.

The Pasco County canvassing board will be meeting on September 6, 2016 at 3pm.

Brian Corley, MPA
Supervisor of Elections
Pasco County
(O) 352-521-4323
(C) 813-579-0707
Twitter @brianecorley
"We've had men & women cross oceans to fight for our freedoms
  while others don't cross the street to vote!"
Mr. Lutz,
The Pasco County Canvassing Board will be meeting on September 6, 2016 at 3 pm to submit the official results as well as the conduct of election report.  Once that is completed, the canvassing board will adjourn and then meet to begin the post election audit by randomly selecting the contest and precincts.

On September 7, 2016 at 2 pm, the Pasco County Canvassing board will convene to conduct the post-election audit.

Brian Corley, MPA
Supervisor of Elections
Pasco County
(O) 352-521-4323
(C) 813-579-0707
Twitter @brianecorley

Marion County

Mr. Lutz et al,

I am in receipt of your email.

The Marion County canvassing board will be meeting on September 6, 2016 at 3pm.


Wesley Wilcox, CERA
Supervisor of Elections
Marion County, Florida
PO Box 289
Ocala, Florida 34478-0289
Phone: 352.620.3290
Fax: 352.620.3286
Web: www.VoteMarion.com


(From Kathy Dent)

Sarasota County will meet on September 1 at 4:30 pm.

Lee County

Mr. Lutz,

Lee County’s Canvassing Board will be meeting on Friday, September 2, 2016 @ 9:00am to canvass provisional ballots, certify the results of the August 30th primary and select at random the race and precincts for the post-election manual audit which will be conducted on Wednesday, September 7 @ 9:00 am.

Sharon L. Harrington, CERA, MFCEP
Lee County Supervisor of Elections
PO Box 2545    (33902)
2480 Thompson Street  (33901)
Fort Myers, FL
239-533-6301 (Phone)
239-533-6310 (Fax)

Email: sharrington@lee.vote.com

Visit our website: www.lee.vote

Orange County

Separation of Ballots on 9/7; audit on 9/8 at 8:00 a.m.

Mr. Lutz-

Information pertaining to the Orange County Canvassing Board is available on our website at the following link-

The Canvassing Board Calendar is linked at the following-

Other information linked includes the following-

Appearance Request Form-

Canvassing Board Duties-

Note that Canvassing Board Meeting Notices, Legal Ads, and Minutes are all posted and linked from the Canvassing Board main page noted above.
Also note that Election Results will be posted on our website, linked from our homepage at-

Fred Altensee
Public Records Specialist 

Hillsborough County

We are in receipt of your message. Our meeting schedule is posted on our website: http://hillsborough.electionsfl.org/Portals/Hillsborough/Documents/2016%20Primary/2016%20Primary%20Canvassing%20Board%20Schedule%20Legal%20Notice_line_Eng-Span_doors_083016.pdf

Gerri Kramer
Director of Communications
Representing Craig Latimer, Hillsborough County Supervisor of Elections
Governor’s Sterling Award Recipient
Our Vision: To be the best place in America to vote!  

Brevard County

Hello Mr. Lutz,

We are in receipt of your email.


Michelle Bujold
Communications Director
Brevard County Supervisor of Elections
Office: 321-637-5316
Cell: 321-408-8202

Polk County

Mr Lutz,

I am writing to confirm receipt of your email.


Lori Edwards

Pinellas County

Good afternoon,

The Pinellas County Canvassing Board is scheduled to meet next on Thursday, Sept. 1 at 3:00 p.m. to canvass provisional ballots and report the first set of unofficial results to the Division of Elections.  Future meeting dates will be decided at the conclusion of that meeting.  All meetings are posted on our website - VotePinellas.com in the upper right-hand side of the home page under 'What's New From the Supervisor"

All Canvassing Board meetings take place the Election Service Center (13001 Starkey Rd.) in Largo, FL, and are open to the public. Additionally, all election results reports are posted to our website. 


Jason Latimer
Communications Director 
Representing Deborah Clark, Supervisor of Elections
13001 Starkey Road
Largo, Florida  33773
Phone: (727) 464-4988
Fax: (727) 464-6239 
Facebook: PinellasCountySOE
Twitter: @VotePinellas
Instagram: @VotePinellas

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Title Oversight Suggestions In Arizona and Florida for 2016-08 Primary
Publisher Citizens Oversight
Author Ray Lutz
Pub Date 2016-08-29
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Keywords Election Integrity, Election Team, Snapshot Protocol, Snapshot Protocol
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FL_map.JPGJPG FL_map.JPG manage 82 K 29 Aug 2016 - 23:25 Raymond Lutz Target counties in FL
Topic revision: r15 - 19 Mar 2018, RaymondLutz
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