Backlinks to California Energy Commission in Common Web (Search all webs)

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FundDecommissionSanOnofreTeam See project topics here: ShutSanOnofre and CoalitionToDecommissionSanOnofre The Coalition to Decommission San Onofre (CDSO) continue...
KeywordList Include this in the Media Form table to allow dynamic generation. Normally, it is possible to use a topic to list the options but the select item is c...
Judith Lewis Mernit Dec 13, 2010 10:05 AM On Thursday morning, San Diego Gas Electric (SDG E), finally sunk a shovel into the ground for the transmission proj...
New California Public Utilities Commission members face growing concern by consumer advocates that regulators have authorized too many new power plants over the l...
California energy officials are preparing for the possibility the San Onofre nuclear power plant could be offline through 2013 or 2014. While there is no timetabl...
Although state and utility officials hope San Onofre will be producing some power as soon as this fall, they're scrambling to avoid a dark 2013 and 2014. The nucl...
Edison International's CEO Hosts San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station Update Conference (Transcript) Jun 7 2013, 16:40 about: EIX Executives Janet T. Clayton ...
This meeting occurred just after the announcement by Southern California Edison that they would not attempt to restart either unit at the San Onofre Nuclear Gener...
This consultant report was prepared in response to Assembly Bill 1632 (“AB 1632” Blakeslee, Chapter 722, Statutes of 2006), which directed the California Energy...
LOS ANGELES (AP) — Two years before an immense coastal earthquake plunged Japan into a nuclear crisis, a geologic fault was discovered about a half mile from a Ca...
Peevey Gala Event Sponsors * Sponsors paid to Don Solem, co chair, Mill Valley, CA * Report of monies collected by Pickers for this Peevey Gala. Why is this...
Year Bill # Chapter Summary 1996 AB1890 854 \ Provided the framework for the deregulation of the electricity market in California, cre...
* LetterToCEC on NuclearWasteDumpsFINAL.pdf: Citizens Oversight's submission to California Energy Commission 2015 04 27 workshop on Nuclear Waste
Attorney General Kamala D. Harris Lodges Lawsuit Over the Aliso Canyon Gas Leak, Citing Violations of State Health and Safety Laws Tuesday, February 2, 2016 Cont...
Stopped!! Methane Blow Out. Radioactive Fall out. And ... The Predictable Result. By: Brett Redmayne Titley This past Thursday, Feb. 11, 2016 brought a welcome br...
lawsuit by a group that wants to transfer the 3.6 million pounds of nuclear waste sitting at the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) to a facility in Ar...
REMARKS OF DR. TOM ENGLISH Hi, Good morning. My name is Dr. Tom English. I was the program manager for the high level nuclear waste team from the Jet Propulsion L...
by DeanCalbreath UNION TRIBUNE April 13, 2008 The billboard on the freeway shows a pair of stark alternatives: a dark, grimy, smoke belching power plant versus a ...
By DeanCalbreath STAFF WRITER, San Diego Union Tribune January 4, 2008 The Sunrise Powerlink project #8211; San Diego Gas Electric's disputed plan to build a $...
Will These Keep the Lights On? By Joe Deegan Published Wednesday, May 28, 2008 The Sunrise Powerlink gleamed for the first time in Sempra Energy #8217;s eye on...
In this four part special series, KPBS investigative reporter Amita Sharma and border reporter Amy Isackson examine how San Diego based Sempra Energy got the gree...
MainProjectList NOTE: Creating project list for WebLeftBar is too compute intensive to do the search each time. Therefore, this topic should be re edited each tim...
Number of topics: 22
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