Energy Policy Legislation (California)

Citizens Oversight (2015-04-14) Ray Lutz

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Year Bill # Chapter Summary
1996 AB1890 854 Provided the framework for the deregulation of the electricity market in California, created the Independent System Operator (ISO) and the Power Exchange, and established the public goods surcharge for investor-owned utilities. The surcharge funded public interest programs including the Public Interest Energy Research (PIER) program and renewable energy programs under the Energy Commission and efficiency programs under the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC).
2001 ABX 1 4 Authorized the Department of Water Resources to enter into long-term contracts to buy electricity for resale to retail end-use customers and with exceptions to municipal utilities.
2002 SB 1078 516 Established the renewable portfolio standard, requiring retail sellers of electricity to increase procurement of electricity from renewable energy sources by at least one percent of retail sales per year until their portfolio of renewable energy increases to 20 percent. Set the deadline for reaching this threshold at 2017. Required municipal utilities to implement and enforce their own such program.
2005 AB 380 367 Required the CPUC in consultation with the ISO to establish resource adequacy requirements for most load serving entities. The bill also required the Energy Commission to report in each Integrated Energy Policy Report publicly owned electric utility progress towards meeting resource adequacy
2006 AB32 488 Enacted the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006, requiring the Air Resources Board to adopt regulations aimed at curbing CHG emissions.
2006 SB107 464 Accelerated the 20 percent target of the Renewable Portfolio Standard from 2017 to 2010. Also redirected funds toward the Existing Renewable Resources Account to achieve competitive and self-sustaining renewable facilities.
2006 SB1368 598 Requires the Energy Commission to adopt a CHG emissions performance standard for long-term procurement of electricity by publicly owned utilities. This standard must be consistent with the standard adopted by the CPUC for load-serving entities under their jurisdiction.

California Energy Commission Office of Governmental Affairs

Media Form edit

Title Energy Policy Legislation (California)
Publisher Citizens Oversight
Author Ray Lutz
Pub Date 2015-04-14
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Keywords Energy Policy
Media Type Article
Media Group News, Research
Curator Rating Plain
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Topic revision: r1 - 15 Apr 2015, RaymondLutz
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