Welcome Election Oversight Newbies

Citizens Oversight (2016-08-31) Ray Lutz

This Page: https://copswiki.org/Common/WelcomeElectionOversightNewbies
More Info: Election Integrity, Election Team, Snapshot Protocol, Snapshot Protocol


Everyone can agree on this: In a democracy, you must have election integrity, or you may be spinning your wheels. We can't trust elected officials to do it alone, because they like the system rigged the way it is. Let's face it, if they were elected by a rigged system, they'd rather leave the rigging alone so they can be re-elected. Internal oversight of this important process can't be trusted. The media treats this topic as taboo. Thus, there is no choice. We as citizens must provide careful oversight of our elections process. Period.

Citizens' Oversight is not a group that reports on stuff and hopes others will make changes. We are not here hoping to elect certain people who we then hope will not be corrupted by the system and then hope they will change it for us. We do what is necessary to make those changes happen now. Look at the material below, give it some thought, and then join our team.

Some Background

After the 2008 election, Ray Lutz (founder of Citizens' Oversight) did a study of the San Diego Registrar of Voters (SDROV) that took two years to complete, resulting in a lengthy report. As an electrical engineer with a background in document processing systems, he can understand the processes used at the SDROV. As a result of that research, the Open Ballot Initiative method was proposed (which images all the ballots and allows everyone to see them). But getting this adopted would take years and moving mountains. In the meantime, it became obvious that providing careful scrutiny of the ELECTION AUDITS was a way to keep hackers from ripping off our elections.So that is where we are today.

We need help doing this, so we welcome you to our network of citizens who are becoming educated about our elections process.

Snapshot Protocol

We have some very lengthy explanations of the Snapshot Protocol on the site. This particular video I think provides the best conceptual model using a block diagram that includes the audit process itself.


Please watch this video presentation

Here is an example of SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS to activists in the top counties in Florida and Arizona:

Where to go from here.

    • Establish oversight teams in the top 175 election districts nationwide, which comprise 50% of the electorate.
    • We need leaders in other states. See the procedure here: State Election District Targeting Procedure
    • After that, we can expand to 300 top districts (60% of the electorate) and 500 top districts (70%).
  • Sign up to be a member of our team: Sign Up
  • Review other information and videos on this page: Election Team
    • We are currently developing the specific steps to take for general application to other states and CA Counties.
  • See the page about the Snapshot Protocol

Welcome aboard!

Media Form edit

Title Welcome Election Oversight Newbies
Publisher Citizens Oversight
Author Ray Lutz
Pub Date 2016-08-31
Media Link
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Forum Link
Keywords Election Integrity, Election Team, Snapshot Protocol, Snapshot Protocol
Media Type Article
Media Group Blog Entry, Procedure
Author Name Sortable
Publish Status Published
Thumbnail Link
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
Case_Summary_Graphic2.jpgjpg Case_Summary_Graphic2.jpg manage 164 K 31 Aug 2016 - 16:37 Raymond Lutz Graphic describing election flow and audit process
Topic revision: r5 - 24 Dec 2016, RaymondLutz
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