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On May 18th, 2007, Supervisor Dianne Jacob hosted a "Backcountry Revitalization" meeting at the Camp Senior Center. * You can view the video of her comments an...
Battle Lines Drawn: Residents of rural Potrero fight to halt Blackwater #8217;s proposed military training camp By Miriam Raftery, The East County Californian Pa...
Blackwater Potrero "Blackwater West" Mercenary Camp BlackwaterWorldwide, part of the PrinceGroup and one of the largest private military contractors in the worl...
CandidateRecruitfestAgenda2009 Agenda * 1:30 pm open doors * 1:30 pm to 2pm Social networking * 2 pm Intro Speakers (About 5 minutes each) * Chr...
CountyBoardofSupervisors Time and Place of Meeting of the Board of Supervisors: A regular meeting of the Board is h...
County BOARD OF SUPERVISORS DISTRICT NO. 2 Recent History in this district Year Registration ...
County Removes Lutz's Trees After sending a request for information to DianneJacob's office and to the County Counsel regarding BrownAct violations, the County re...
County won #8217;t release all Blackwater docs Deadline for public comment looms Editor #8217;s note: Freelance writer Miriam Raftery contacted county spokesper...
EventsArchive EventsArchive2009 Calendar events for 2009 2006 Paste in events that are deleted from the Calendar Page. * 30 Sep 2006 Hanson Fundraiser, R...
Massive security contractor faces growing protest in rural California town over 824 acre base 04/03/2007 @ 2:09 pm Filed by Miriam Raftery and Muriel Kane Adve...
Filner wants review of Blackwater He considers bill to stop Potrero plan By Anne Krueger STAFF WRITER April 14, 2007 Rep. Bob Filner says he is exploring legis...
By Anne Krueger UNION TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER July 31, 2007 EAST COUNTY #8211; Anger over the proposed Blackwater USA training facility in Potrero has led to the co...
Should Blackwater USA be allowed to convert a valley bordering national forest lands into a private military and law enforcement training base? No way, says a ...
CANDIDATES SOUND OFF AT POLITICS IN PARADISE FORUM By Miriam Raferty August 22, 2010 (El Cajon ) Two Congressmen and four local lawmakers fielded questions from...
Powerlink booster may have powered up too soon Official was lobbying within 10 months of leaving the state By Jeff McDonald Thursday, July 15, 2010 at 8:14 p.m. ...
Blackwater is all wrong for Potrero By Jan N. Hedlun April 19, 2007 I am the newest and the only Potrero Planning Group member against the proposed Blackwater ...
The state’s top utility regulator has agreed to look into a request from San Diego County Supervisor Dianne Jacob concerning low level radiation emitted by the Su...
TO: City of El Cajon, c/o Belinda Hawley, City Clerk N. Dean Huseby, Choi, Chin Woo, Vasquez, William G, Ilumin, Robert G, County Supervisor Dianne Jacob Jo...
September 27, 2007 If ever there were a case history on the importance of voting, even for a panel so obscure most media outlets are unaware of it, it is the situ...
The notorious security contractor has plans for a military style complex near the U.S. Mexico border. Critics worry the firm's "mercenary soldiers" could join the...
Blackwater keeps its eye on a tiny East County enclave. By Pat Sherman 10/09/2007 Blackwater USA Vice President Brian Bonfiglio flashed a self satisfied smile, ga...
By Liz Neely UNION TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER November 10, 2007 EAST COUNTY #8211; Hundreds of people are picking up supplies at a tent city in Barrett Junction set up...
* Sup. DianneJacob claims that the meeting is "informal" and therefore no subject to the Brown Act. We'll be looking into this further. * She says that she can...
Part 1: Part 2: Helicopters ...
Hero of Cedar Fire Running for Supervisor By E.A. Barrera Burned in the Cedar Fire, Reyes wants to help the people who were good to him. Photo By E.A. Barrera Ru...
By Anne Krueger UNION TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER 1:12 a.m. December 12, 2007 EAST COUNTY #8211; Five members of the Potrero planning group were voted off the panel Tue...
NEW - 07 Feb 2008 - 19:44 by CathyMiller
The Spanish word dulzura means sweetness. And public artist Robin Brailsford found the sweet life when she moved to the hamlet of Dulzura, 30 miles east of San Di...
City seeks state law easing annexation By LizNeely UNION TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER February 7, 2008 EL CAJON #8211; The feud between El Cajon and the county over a Ho...
By Miriam Raftery The East County Californian May 31, 2008 County officials have announced plans to shut down Covert Canyon, a military and law enforcement train...
By Miriam Raftery The East County Californian May 31, 2007 California #8217;s Secretary of State is hot on the trail of alleged election law violations by San D...
By Kevin Martinez 26 March 2008 On March 7, private contractor Blackwater Worldwide announced it was abandoning plans to construct a military and police training ...
NEW - 26 Mar 2008 - 17:36 by CathyMiller
By JHarryJones UNION TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER 6:14 p.m. April 11, 2008 The board members of the county's long range planning group overwhelmingly endorsed the Sunrise...
Home Depot is pulling all the strings in El Cajon, California. On June 6, 2006, Sprawl Busters reported the controversial death of a Home Depot project in El Cajo...
Some votes miscounted in primary, officials say By Luis Monteagudo Jr. and Helen Gao UNION TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER April 8, 2004 County officials said yesterday t...
News Release Raymond Lutz Coordinator, Citizens’ Oversight Projects (COPs) / 619 447 3246 FOR IMMEDIA...
(Video:;id=8977 ) The joke around Potrero is if you're on Highway 94 and you blink, you just might miss the town. Potrero is sma...
By MiriamRaftery Before and After images of El Monte Valley *February 18, 2009 (Lakeside) * Lakeside planners, fire officials and residents expressed shoc...
Features: * Sup. Dianne Jacob * Donna Tisdale * Denis Trafecanty * Laura Cyphert * Raymond Lutz * and many more Moved to on 2011 04 20
Violations, unpaid fees leading up to an auction of man s land By Anne Krueger, UNION TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER Monday, April 19, 2010 at 12:04 a.m. Howard Lipin / Uni...
OurRegion * San Diego County has 4,205 square miles, 2.7% of the state. (California has a total of 155,959 square miles) * MeetingPlaces Places for officia...
Last Published Publisher RaymondLutz Date 2010 02 13 00:46 relativedir w/pub/Common/CopsCanvassReport/ $Foswiki::cfg{PublishPlugin}{Dir} /var/www/vhosts/cop...
RegionalSecuritySummit Gathering of regional leaders across jurisdictions to discuss security and related topics. Each meeting will focus on a specific topic with...
Latest News * Registrar of Voters says they don't need to create additional copies of the scanner tapes because the machines are not the "lever type" * Secr...
Latest News * 2016: Alpine is now concerned about high energy emissions from buried 500kv line through the middle of town. * EMI Safe levels: https://www...
Tiny Potrero Battles County and Blackwater USA By DonBauder Published on February 22, 2007 The hamlet of Potrero in southeast San Diego County, 45 miles from the ...
Number of topics: 45

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