Scanner Tape Review

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  • Registrar of Voters says they don't need to create additional copies of the scanner tapes because the machines are not the "lever type"
  • Secretary of State says the law does not apply because they are in the Registrar of Voters' office.
  • Tapes can be accessed by Public Records Request after the election is certified.


The San Diego County Registrar of Voters uses Diebold precinct scanners in the Registrar's office to scan paper ballots. However, they do not provide a means to allow review of those tapes to generate an independent review. Election law says they should create three copies and provide one for public review.


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  • 03 Oct 2008 - Letter sent to San Diego Registrar Of Voters - Requests that they follow the law to create additional reports.
  • 08 Oct 2008 - Letter sent to California Secretary Of State CA - Requests that they clarify with the San Diego registrar that such reports must be made available.
  • 20 Oct 2008 - Email sent to Dianne Jacob requesting a response.
Dear Dianne:

I made a request of the Registrar of Voters on 10/3/2008 requesting
information as to whether they were planning to follow the law as stated 
in the Elections Code. I have received no answer to that request. I have 
also alerted the Secretary of State that we wish the Registrar to provide 
the additional tape reports from the scanners. I am forwarding this to you 
to see if your influence can help us get a response from the Registrar so 
that we can appropriately provide citizens' oversight of the elections process.

I have attached the request to the Registrar and also the request to the 
Secretary of State.

--Ray Lutz
  • 27 Oct 2008 - Response from Dianne Jacob stating that this was sent to County CAO Ekard
October 24, 2008

Ray Lutz

Dear Mr. Lutz:

Thank you for your e-mail regarding oversight of the election process. 
I appreciate your contacting me on this matter.

In an effort to be of assistance, I have taken the liberty of forwarding your 
e-mail to Mr. Walt Ekard, Chief Administrative Officer for the County of 
San Diego.  I have asked him to review your correspondence and respond 
back directly to you.

Again, thank you for contacting me.  If I can be of further assistance, please 
feel free to contact me or Natalie Clark of my staff at (619) 531-5522 or via 
e-mail at


Vice Chairwoman


Cc:	Mr. Walt Ekard, CAO, w/ attachment

  • 28 Oct 2008 - Raymond Lutz speaks at Public Comment during the Board of Supervisors meeting.

What do we do with the tapes?

  • Scan them

Articles and Media:

Number of topics: 3


Project Form edit

Project Name Scanner Tape Review
Project Description Our attempt to audit the elections process in San DIego County regarding Diebold scanner tapes.
Project Founder Raymond Lutz
Project Curator Raymond Lutz
Project Type Issue Oversight
Project Parents Election Integrity
Related Keywords
Project Status Closed
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Topic revision: r13 - 06 Jan 2018, RaymondLutz
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