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Ratepayer Group Citizens' Oversight Sends Open Letter to San Onofre Settlement Endorsers -- "It's time to pull your support"

Citizens Oversight (2015-08-10) Ray Lutz

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More Info: California Public Utilities Commission, Coalition To Decommission San Onofre, Shut San Onofre, Stop The Unfair Settlement


Ratepayer Group Citizens' Oversight Sends Open Letter to San Onofre Settlement Endorsers

"It's time to pull your support"

SAN DIEGO (Aug 10, 2015) -- Today, Citizens' Oversight sent an "Open Letter" to all parties of the San Onofre settlement, asking them to formally pull their support.

"With TURN and ORA disavowing the settlement deal, there is not much to stand on with the position that the settlement is fair," said Ray Lutz of Citizens Oversight. "It is time for all parties in the CPUC Proceedings, all outside parties and anyone that previously voiced their support of the settlement to formally oppose the settlement and stand on the side of propriety. Join us."

Citizens Oversight believes a full review of the demise of the plant is the only way to learn lessons from the debacle and repair some of the damage done to the reputation of the CPUC.

The entirety of the letter is attached, and was sent to all parties on the CPUC service list for the investigation on August 10, 2015.

Citizens' Oversight is a 501(c)3 Delaware corporation with offices in California, and is a party of the CPUC investigation into the San Onofre nuclear accident and plant shutdown DBA The Coalition to Decommission San Onofre.

--Ray Lutz 619-820-5321


Ray Lutz
Citizens' Oversight Projects (COPs)

Media Form edit

Title Ratepayer Group Citizens' Oversight Sends Open Letter to San Onofre Settlement Endorsers -- "It's time to pull your support"
Publisher Citizens Oversight
Author Ray Lutz
Pub Date 2015-08-10
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Keywords California Public Utilities Commission, Coalition To Decommission San Onofre, Shut San Onofre, Stop The Unfair Settlement
Media Type Article, PDF
Media Group News
Curator Rating Plain
Author Name Sortable
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Topic revision: 11 Aug 2015, RaymondLutz
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