Title |
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Full title of the Media |
Publisher |
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Where article or media appeared |
Author |
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Author of article or producer of media |
Pub Date |
date |
20 |
Publication Date or Date of Event or Meeting |
Media Link |
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Link to media or related site |
Remote Link |
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Used only if Media Link refers to a local copy |
Embed HTML |
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HTML to embed the media in a web page. |
Forum Link |
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Full URL to Discussion Forum (such as Facebook) |
Note |
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Any other notes |
Keywords |
select+multi |
10 |
Air Progressive, Aliso Blowout, Audit Engine, Ballot Access Lawsuit, Blackwater, Blackwater Otay, Blackwater North, Blackwater In Moyock, Blackwater In Southwestern College, Blackwater West, Brown Act, Border Security, Budget And Taxation, California Energy Commission, California Legislature, California Public Utilities Commission, Campaign Finance Reform, Church State Separation, Climate Change, Coalition To Decommission San Onofre, Compensation Reform, Constitutional Issues, Cops Chapters, Cops Chapter SDEC, COPs Program, Cops Wiki, Covert Canyon, Current Events Theater, Deepwater Horizon, Eagle Rock Training Center, East County Transitional Living Center, Easy Voting, Earth Summit, El Cajon City Council, Election Audits, Election Equipment, Election Integrity, Election Team, Snapshot Protocol, Election Audit Lawsuit, Encroachment Law, Energy Policy, Freedom Of Speech, Gmo Open Forum, Government Access Channel, Grossmont Healthcare Board, Grossmont Union High School District, Harris Ranch Fire, Helix Water District, Helms Proposal, Healthcare Policy, Israeli Palestinian Conflict, Lakeside Fire Board, La Mesa City Council, La Mesa Spring Valley School Board, Local Politics, Manual Tally Issues, March Against Monsanto, Net Neutrality, Nine Eleven, Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Waste, Occupy San Diego, Open Ballot Initiative, Padre Dam Municipal Water District, Pension Reform, Police Dept Oversight, Political Philosophy, President, Private Mercenaries, Procinctu Group, Progressive T Vand Radio, Public Access TV, Random Draw Oversight, Rock Church Ecpac Takeover, San Bruno Explosion, San Diego Primary Contest 2016, San Diego LAFCO, San Onofre License Amendment Intervention, San Onofre Canister Drop Incident, San Onofre Settlement Federal Case, Save ECPAC, Seals At Childrens Pool, Settlement To Move San Onofre Waste, Shutdown Diablo, Shut San Onofre, Snapshot Protocol, Sunrise Powerlink, Stop ALEC, Stop Blackwater Rally, Stop Nuke Dump, Stop The Unfair Settlement, Vote By Mail, Voter Registration Arrest Of Ray Lutz, Voting Privacy, War Profiteering, Water Fluoridation, Wind Zero |
List keywords for searches. See Keyword List |
Related Keywords |
select+multi |
10 |
Air Progressive, Aliso Blowout, Audit Engine, Ballot Access Lawsuit, Blackwater, Blackwater Otay, Blackwater North, Blackwater In Moyock, Blackwater In Southwestern College, Blackwater West, Brown Act, Border Security, Budget And Taxation, California Energy Commission, California Legislature, California Public Utilities Commission, Campaign Finance Reform, Church State Separation, Climate Change, Coalition To Decommission San Onofre, Compensation Reform, Constitutional Issues, Cops Chapters, Cops Chapter SDEC, COPs Program, Cops Wiki, Covert Canyon, Current Events Theater, Deepwater Horizon, Eagle Rock Training Center, East County Transitional Living Center, Easy Voting, Earth Summit, El Cajon City Council, Election Audits, Election Equipment, Election Integrity, Election Team, Snapshot Protocol, Election Audit Lawsuit, Encroachment Law, Energy Policy, Freedom Of Speech, Gmo Open Forum, Government Access Channel, Grossmont Healthcare Board, Grossmont Union High School District, Harris Ranch Fire, Helix Water District, Helms Proposal, Healthcare Policy, Israeli Palestinian Conflict, Lakeside Fire Board, La Mesa City Council, La Mesa Spring Valley School Board, Local Politics, Manual Tally Issues, March Against Monsanto, Net Neutrality, Nine Eleven, Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Waste, Occupy San Diego, Open Ballot Initiative, Padre Dam Municipal Water District, Pension Reform, Police Dept Oversight, Political Philosophy, President, Private Mercenaries, Procinctu Group, Progressive T Vand Radio, Public Access TV, Random Draw Oversight, Rock Church Ecpac Takeover, San Bruno Explosion, San Diego Primary Contest 2016, San Diego LAFCO, San Onofre License Amendment Intervention, San Onofre Canister Drop Incident, San Onofre Settlement Federal Case, Save ECPAC, Seals At Childrens Pool, Settlement To Move San Onofre Waste, Shutdown Diablo, Shut San Onofre, Snapshot Protocol, Sunrise Powerlink, Stop ALEC, Stop Blackwater Rally, Stop Nuke Dump, Stop The Unfair Settlement, Vote By Mail, Voter Registration Arrest Of Ray Lutz, Voting Privacy, War Profiteering, Water Fluoridation, Wind Zero |
List keywords for searches. See Keyword List |
Media Type |
checkbox |
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Type of Media |
Media Group |
checkbox |
5 |
General use of the media (News, Govt Doc, Request Letter, etc.) |
Curator Rating |
radio |
4 |
Plain, Highlighted, Right Media Bar |
Used to create summary lists |
Venue |
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See Meeting Places |
Book ISBN |
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International Standard Book Number |
Author Name Sortable |
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Author Last, First Name to allow for sorted list (books) |
Publish Status |
radio |
2 |
Published, Hidden |
If "Hidden", will not be shown in media lists. Used for media produced in-house and this topic provides notes regarding production |
Thumbnail Link |
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URL of thumbnail, approx. 100x100 |
Offline Path |
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Path to offline files if Media Link is Media Archived Offline |
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Archive D Isc |
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Blue Ray or DVD disks where files can be found |
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