Cops Videos

The following videos were produced by Citizens Oversight. They are listed in reverse date order (most recent first).

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Video(M1506) 2014-10-12 Snapshot Protocol for Election Oversight, tutorial seminar -- Ray Lutz, Citizens Oversight,


Video(M1500) 2014-09-26 2014 CD50 Congresional Debate: Hunter vs. Kimber -- RayLutz, CitizensOversight,


Video(M1491) 2014-09-15 Election Snapshot Oversight Tutorial -- RayLutz, CitizensOversight,


VideoPresentation(M1458) 2014-06-26 Stop the Unfair Settlement -- Presentation by Ray Lutz -- RayLutz, CitizensOversight, To be provided to the CPUC as an ex parte Communication; Video moved to new version when views were at 138 due to asynchronous audio


Video(M1441) 2014-05-14 Excerpts of Settlement Evidentiary Hearing of 2014-05-14 -- RayLutz, CitizensOversight, Features MichaelAguirre


Video(M1444) 2014-05-14 Key Clips from Evidentiary Hearing of 2014-05-14 on San Onofre Settlement -- RayLutz, CitizensOversight, Gist of Mike Aguirre's cross examination of SCE President Ron Litzinger results in the admission that there is nothing in the record to allow the Commission to properly evaluate the settlement. Related to: PeeveyPartyProtest


VideoAudio(M1447) 2014-05-14 Commissioner Peevey Loses it when asked about meeting with SCE -- RayLutz, CitizensOversight, Related to: PeeveyPartyProtest


Video(M1395) 2013-12-10 Ray Lutz settlement with the City of San Diego -- RayLutz, CitizensOversight,


Video(M1401) 2013-10-07 CPUC Evidentiary Hearing on San Onofre (Phase 2) -- RayLutz, CitizensOversight,


Video(M1388) 2013-10-01 CPUC Public Participation meeting in San Diego, 2013-10-01 -- RayLutz, CitizensOversight,


VideoArticle(M1387) 2013-09-26 NRC Public Meeting on Decommissioning, 2013-09-26 -- RayLutz, CitizensOversight,


VideoPresentation(M1362) 2013-06-19 California Energy Commission on Nuclear Energy, 2013-06-19 -- RayLutz, CitizensOversight,


Video(M1359) 2013-06-04 Fukushima Lessons for California Panel -- , CitizensOversight,


Video(M1358) 2013-05-13 CPUC Kicks Lutz's camera out of the room -- RayLutz, CitizensOversight, Mentions EcologicalOptionsNetwork


Video(M1360) 2013-05-13 CPUC Evidentiary Hearing on San Onofre (Phase 1) -- RayLutz, CitizensOversight, Week long session 2013-05-13 to 2013-05-17, 18+ Videos


Video(M1356) 2013-05-02 Jeremy Scahill on 'Dirty Wars' in San Diego -- JeremyScahill, CitizensOversight, Video by Main.RyanAnderson and RayLutz


VideoArticle(M1348) 2013-03-08 Mathematical Proof that National Debt and the Deficit are Necessary (and therefore not 'Evil') -- RayLutz, CitizensOversight,


Video(M1347) 2013-02-21 CPUC Public Participation Hearing on San Onofre (Costa Mesa) -- RayLutz, CitizensOversight, Transcripts Included.


Video(M1345) 2013-02-12 Shut San Onofre Rally prior to NRC meeting in Capistrano Beach, 2013-02-12 -- RayLutz, CitizensOversight,


Video(M1343) 2013-01-25 Initiative Panel - Do we need this much initiative? -- League Of Women Voters, Common Cause, CitizensOversight,


Video(M1342) 2013-01-22 San Diego School Board Demands Public Hearing before San Onofre Restart -- RayLutz, CitizensOversight,


Video(M1333) 2012-12-05 NRC-COPs Oral Arguments -- RayLutz, CitizensOversight,


Video(M1332) 2012-11-30 Edison Proposes Restart to NRC -- Rally, Event, Comments -- RayLutz, CitizensOversight,


Video(M1306) 2012-09-24 Del Mar City Council Considers San Onofre issue -- RayLutz, CitizensOversight, See also Del Mar City Council Package on San Onofre


Video(M1305) 2012-09-07 ECPAC Inspection Tour of 2012-09-07 -- RayLutz, CitizensOversight,


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