CPUC Evidentiary Hearing on San Onofre (Phase 1)

Citizens Oversight (2013-05-13) Ray Lutz

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More Info: Coalition To Decommission San Onofre, Shut San Onofre

This is Phase 1 of the investigation by by the CPUC into the outage at San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS). This phase is constrained to the events and conduct of Southern California Edison (SCE) and associated costs during 2012. It DOES NOT include the subject of REPLACEMENT POWER which has been pushed into a subsequent subphase.

During these hearings, written testimony has been previously submitted and parties also are allowed to make Data Requests of each other. Witnesses sponsor the testimony and they can be cross-examined by the parties. The witnesses are chosen by Edison.

Source videos from this page: http://www.californiaadmin.com/cpuc.shtml

Day 1, 2013-05-13

Video recording was not permitted. However, this ruling was challenged by Ray Lutz when his camera was kicked out of the room. We may follow up on this issue to assert our rights to video record these meetings.

Day 2. 2013-05-14 (4 videos)

Day 2 Part 1


Witness: Jose Luis Perez
  1. Cross-examination by Ms. Venskus (start to 27:10)
    • Costs of preparing for layup of Unit 3
    • Costs for planning restart of Unit 2
  2. Review of letters between MHI and Edison exhibits by (27:36)
  3. Cross examination by Mr. Geesman (A 4 NR)
  4. Ms. Sullivan (51:50) on letters, makes case that the letters are relevant to 2012.

Day 2 Part 2


Witness: Jose Luis Perez
  1. Darling states ruling that new exhibit will be provided by Edison tomorrow re: letters.
  2. Mr. Geesman requests letters today.
  3. Martha suggests NDA
  4. Perez: RCE Assigned to team on Feb 8, 2012, Greg Duffy was a consultant.
  5. Ms. Venskus 6:26 - 21:52
  6. Ms. Sullivan 22:00 - 49:00
    • Statement of Qualifications of Perez, what he worked on, etc.
    • CDSO-2 State Water Resources control board

Day 2 Part 3

Witness: Jose Luis Perez
  1. Lutz grills Perez regarding lack of planning and decision making by Edision during 2012
  2. Martha continues with CDSO questions at 47:00

Day 2 Part 4

Day 3. 2013-05-15 (5 Videos)

Day 3 Part 1


Witness: Jose Luis Perez
  1. Ms. George
  2. ALJ Darling - 30:00

Day 3 Part 2


Day 3 Part 3


Witness: Jose Luis Perez
  1. Mr. Shapson (DRA) 2:20 on High Pressure Turbine to 11:30
  2. Mr. Owens - Redirect
    • Rounding out porfolio of Mr. Perez.
    • Tcold - coolant as it re-enters the reactor.
  3. Recross, Mr. Geesman 25:16
  4. Recross, Ms. Venskus 28:43
    • Define "Outage"
    • Define "Shutdown" - not ready for restart in a quick timeframe.
    • Define "Decommission"
    • Does NRC have specific definition for Shutdown.
  5. Recross, Mr. Lutz 31:52 - 35:43
    • NRC definition of Modes.
    • Lutz catches Perez dodging question on the term Shutdown.

Day 3 Part 4


Day 3 Part 5


Day 3 Clips:

Lutz Catches "Shutdown" dodge.

For some reason, Edison does not want to say the plant is "shutdown", and Perez says he does not know the NRC definition of "Shutdown" and Lutz catches him on that.

Lutz vs. Palmisano


Day 4. 2013-05-16 (4 Videos)

Day 4 Part 1


Day 4 Part 2


Day 4 Part 3


Day 4 Part 4


Day 5. 2013-05-17 (7 Videos)

Day 5 Part 1


Day 5 Part 2


Day 5 Part 3


Day 5 Part 4


Day 5 Part 5


Day 5 Part 6


Day 5 Part 7


Media Form edit

Title CPUC Evidentiary Hearing on San Onofre (Phase 1)
Publisher Citizens Oversight
Author Ray Lutz
Pub Date 2013-05-13
Media Link
D2P1 http://youtu.be/jtFI7yMJUOc
D3P1 http://youtu.be/1-PnxhU-T9c
D4P1 http://youtu.be/AsRSfv9to9o
D5P1 http://youtu.be/JyFuZiVNYSY
Embed HTML
Forum Link
Note Week long session 2013-05-13 to 2013-05-17, 18+ Videos
Keywords Coalition To Decommission San Onofre, Shut San Onofre
Media Type Video
Media Group News, Govt Doc
Curator Rating Plain
Author Name Sortable
Thumbnail Link
Topic revision: r11 - 26 Dec 2013, RaymondLutz
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