
Data Name Value Comments
Election District CA Calaveras District of Audit
Election Date 2016-06-07 Date of the Election
Total Ballots   Total Voted Ballots
Ballots Audited   Total of Count Ballots included in range of random sample
Sample Count   Total of count of Ballots included in random sample

Documents Attached

Audit infrastructure topics

Audit Form edit

Election District CA_Calaveras
Election Date 2016-06-07
Audit Selection Date 1
Audit Selection Date 2
Remote Link
Data Collected
Total Ballots
Ballots Audited
Sample Count
Total Precincts
Precincts Reviewed
Total Batches
Batches Reviewed
Snapshot Protocol Compliant
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
digitalcopysos_ca_gov_20160629_134306.pdfpdf digitalcopysos_ca_gov_20160629_134306.pdf manage 78 K 22 Aug 2016 - 23:10 Dorothy Dillon 1% Manual Tally Incident Report
Topic revision: r1 - 22 Aug 2016, DorothyDillon
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