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Welcome to the Elections web

Oversight of Election Processing


The Elections "web" of the copswiki platform provides an extensive database of elections audit information.

Why do we do this?

People talk about how important paper ballots are so elections can be audited. Unfortunately, paper ballots are no better than touch screen machines if no one ever reviews them. Fortunately, some states provide systematic auditing procedures. In California, a 1% manual tally is mandated. What we find however, is that many counties conduct their manual tally improperly, and the Secretary of State no longer reviews the results of the 1% manual tally audit. As citizens, it is our job to oversee our own elections process. We really can't put our complete trust in any agency or officials.

Oversight Procedures and Best Practice Documents

Election Oversight Procedures

Audit Database

This web is primarily organized as a database where each data item is a separate topic file, which has both structured fields and attached documents, and covers the post-election audit of a specific election district and election event. In some cases, we have gone further in our review of the election by doing additional review of available data. In such cases, those additional extensive reviews are contained sub-webs, and typically have precinct-by-precinct data as collected in our oversight project.

First, there are Election Districts. Each district may have any number of Audits linked to it. Election Districts are defined using the Contact Form.


There are a number of infrastructure topics which are used to create this dynamic and structured wiki.

Audit infrastructure topics

Elections Web Utilities

Topic revision: r7 - 20 Apr 2017, RaymondLutz
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