John Dean presents "Broken Government" -- Presentation, Book signing

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Wednesday, Nov 7th, 7pm-9pm (networking from 6:30pm). John Dean, legal counsel to U.S. president Richard Nixon during the Watergate scandal of the early 1970s, presents his eighth book, Broken Government. He takes the broadest and deepest view yet of the dysfunctional chaos and institutional damage that the Republican Party and its core conservatives have inflicted on the federal government. La Mesa Community Center, 4975 Memorial Drive, La Mesa 91941. $10 Donation/ $5 Club Members suggested. Sponsored by the La Mesa-Foothills, East County, and Santee Democratic Clubs BOOKS AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE AT THE EVENT. SORRY, NO SIGNING OF PREVIOUSLY PURCHASED BOOKS. Please arrive early as seating is limited. Info: (619) 820-5321 or



For the UT, FYI column:


John Dean presents "Broken Government"

John Dean, legal counsel to U.S. president Richard Nixon during the Watergate scandal of the early 1970s, presents his eighth book, Broken Government at the La Mesa Community Center on Wednesday, Nov 7th, at 7pm (networking from 6:30pm). He takes the broadest and deepest view yet of the dysfunctional chaos and institutional damage that the Republican Party and its core conservatives have inflicted on the federal government. $10 Donation/ $5 Club Members suggested. The Community Center is located at 4975 Memorial Drive, La Mesa 91941. Sponsored by the La Mesa-Foothills, East County, and Santee Democratic Clubs. BOOKS AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE AT THE EVENT. SORRY, NO SIGNING OF PREVIOUSLY PURCHASED BOOKS. Please arrive early as seating is limited. Info: (619) 820-5321 or

Promo Form edit

Date 2007-11-07
Event Time 6:30-9:00pm
Title John Dean presents "Broken Government"
Program Presentation, Book signing
Venue La Mesa Community Center
Topic revision: r6 - 20 Mar 2008, RaymondLutz
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