
Donate To Citizens Oversight

We are a 501c3, tax exempt organization. You can deduct any contributions you make from your taxable income. There is no upper limit!

Citizens Oversight is fully engaged with the following current projects that can benefit from your monetary support:

  • Audit Engine Ballot Image Tabulation Audits -- We realized in 2019 that we needed a way to audit elections by a third party using the ballot images and cast vote records. Since then, we have developed Audit Engine, a ballot image auditing platform. We do our work for the public, but we do have hard costs that must be covered for any specific audit. Please contact us if you can acquire ballot images and cast-vote records (CVRs) for any election and we will let you know what our fundraising goals must be to complete that job. Also, please donate so we can do more audits!

  • 2024 Audit Project -- In this project, we will conduct a few targeted ballot image audits in swing states where there was a split (nor nearly split) ticket, that is where Harris lost and also a down ballot Republican candidate for U.S. Senate or U.S. House nearly or narrowly lost. We can handle only about a half-dozen such projects at once and we need to raise funds to cover our costs.

County Ballot Sheets Fundraising Target
Clark County, NV 1,033,285 $72K
Washoe, NV 262,734 $20K
Dane, WI 367,502 $25K
St. Croix County 60,875 $6K
Bucks, PA 403,959 $28K
Pima, AZ 518,466 $38K
TOTAL   $189K

These audits compare our independent tabulation from Ballot Images to the official results as provided in a Cast Vote Record file (CVR). We audit all contests in the election, ballot by ballot. If our evaluation does not match the voting system, then they are reported and reviewed. We can conduct adjudication review using our Adjudi Tally app to fine tune the results.

We can add more counties with more funding.

See for more details.

Membership Level Annual Monthly
Basic Membership $60  
Donating Member $120 $10/month
Underwriter $300 $25/month
Make it happen level $600 $50/month
Take no Prisoners $1200 $100/month
Student/ Senior/ Fixed Income $30  
Custom up to you!

Use Pay Pal to support us

  • Please checkmark "recurring donation" after you get to Pay Pal if you want to repeat your donation every month. THIS REALLY HELPS!
  • Please note: Pay Pal charges a higher percentage for donations of only $5, so if you are planning to donate at the $5/Month rate, it is better if you send us a LUMP SUM rather than monthly payments. THANKS!
  • Because projects and expenses changes rapidly, we reserve the right to reapply your donation where it can be best used, but we will try to respect any earmarking you do specify.
Donate To Fund Click here
Citizens' Oversight General Fund
supports all projects, or you can earmark.
You can specify any earmarking once you get to Pay Pal.
General Fund (recurring)
Monthly Donation
Election Integrity -- Lawsuits and Snapshot Protocol -- Your donation is doubled by anonymous donor! (Facebook donation page: )
Election Integrity -- Lawsuits and Snapshot Protocol -- recurring
Matching pledge will be available for the annual amount if you sign up for recurring donations!
Monthy Donation

Other ways to help support us

How Details
By Check To Donate by Check, please make checks payable to Citizens Oversight, and note if you want the money earmarked for any particular purpose.
Please mail to:
Citizens Oversight
771 Jamacha Rd. #148
El Cajon, CA 92019
Please note: we appreciate getting your donation in check form to avoid pay credit card processing fees!
ACH Transfer You can use ACH transfer if you have that service available:
Routing: (please Contact Us) Account Number: (please Contact Us)

Affiliate your club or organization, or just endorse Citizens Oversight

We encourage organizations such as clubs, associations and nonprofits, to endorse us and promote that their members join Citizens Oversight.

  • Nonpartisan clubs, associations, and nonprofits - Your group as a whole can become an affiliate of Citizens Oversight and directly engage to address local issues. Your members can directly become members of COPS or remain as members of your organization which then can operate as a COPS affiliate. We recommend that your group contribute as a whole at least at the "Underwriter" level, but we will accept you even if you cannot afford any direct contribution. If you do not have a 501(c)3 status, we can extend that to your group if you become an official affiliate. This is very useful to get the best rates on meeting rooms, postage, and other expenses. To become an affiliate, you will either provide your membership list to us or allow us to promote COPS membership to your membership through your staff.

  • Partisan clubs, political committees, etc. -- Your group can endorse Citizens Oversight and make contributions as a unit, but a partisan group cannot become an affiliate. Although we can accept endorsement and contributions from partisan clubs and political committees, we cannot make you an official "affiliate" since we are organized as a 501(c)3 nonprofit. This makes donations to our organization tax deductible, but we cannot engage in any partisan activities. If your organization is explicitly partisan, you will need to establish a separate nonpartisan association that can run in parallel with your main group if you want to establish an affiliate chapter.

Thanks for your support! (Return to main page)
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
Donations.jpgjpg Donations.jpg manage 125 K 26 Dec 2014 - 00:24 Raymond Lutz Donate
airprogressivebumperstickerpic.jpgjpg airprogressivebumperstickerpic.jpg manage 65 K 26 Jun 2014 - 21:23 Raymond Lutz Bumper Sticker
irs_letter_confirming_501c3_status.pdfpdf irs_letter_confirming_501c3_status.pdf manage 82 K 26 Jun 2014 - 21:23 Raymond Lutz Notice of Tax Exemption under 501(c)3 of Revenue Code.
Topic revision: r54 - 05 Dec 2024, RaymondLutz
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