Blackwater Otay Protest Rally -- Rally, Protest march

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Calendar Entry

Wednesday, Jun 11, 3-5 p.m. -- STOP BLACKWATER RALLY/PROTEST w/ Special Guest JEREMY SCAHILL -- 7685 Siempre Viva Rd, San Diego, CA 92154. Join the community in making our voice heard! Blackwater is not wanted in San Diego! Their underhanded scheme to sneak into our town has been detected and they used the Federal Court to muscle their way in! We must tell them "NO BAGHDAD ON THE BORDER!" Please bring signs! Jeremy Scahill, bestselling author of "Blackwater: Rise of the Most Powerful Mercenary Army" will address the crowd. DIRECTIONS: 805 South to 905 East, Turn right at Britannia (just opposite Brown Field Control Tower), Turn left on to Siempre Viva (third light). Info: 619-263-9301, or ; SPONSORED BY San Diego Peace Resource Center, Activist San Diego, , plus others!

Newspaper Entry

A "Stop Blackwater" RALLY/PROTEST w/ Special Guest JEREMY SCAHILL will be held on Wed., Jun 11, 3-5 p.m. -- 7685 Siempre Viva Rd, San Diego, CA 92154 Join the community in making our voice heard! Blackwater is not wanted in San Diego! Their underhanded scheme to sneak into our town has been detected and they used the Federal Court to muscle their way in! We must tell them "NO BAGHDAD ON THE BORDER!" Please bring signs! Jeremy Scahill, bestselling author of "Blackwater: Rise of the Most Powerful Mercenary Army" will address the crowd. DIRECTIONS: 805 South to 905 East, Turn right at Britannia (just opposite Brown Field Control Tower), Turn left on to Siempre Viva (third light). Info: 619-263-9301, or ; SPONSORED BY San Diego Peace Resource Center, Activist San Diego, , plus others!

Promo Form edit

Date 2008-06-11
Event Time 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Title Blackwater Otay Protest Rally
Program Rally, Protest march
Venue Blackwater Otay
Topic revision: r6 - 14 Jun 2008, EugeneCook
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