ECDC-General Meeting -- Immigration and the Border Fence

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Calendar Entry

Sunday, July 13th, 2 p.m. to 4.45 p.m. (refreshments at 1:30 p.m.): East County Democratic Club general meeting. Mike Aguirre will speak and ask for our endorsement. Topic: Immigration and the Border Fence. Guest speakers discussing both sides of the issues are John Fanestil of the Foundation for Change, and Andrea Guerrero of the ACLU. Admission is free and open to the public. Held at the Rancho San Diego Library located at 11555 Via Rancho San Diego, 92019 Info: (619) 933-1526 or

Newspaper Entry

The East County Democratic Club will conduct a general meeting Sunday, July 13th, 2 p.m. to 4:45 p.m. (refreshments at 1:30 p.m.). Mike Aguirre will speak and ask for our endorsement. Topic: Immigration and the Border Fence. Guest speakers discussing both sides of the issues are John Fanestil of the Foundation for Change, and Andrea Guerrero of the ACLU. Admission is free and open to the public. Held at the Rancho San Diego Library located at 11555 Via Rancho San Diego, 92019. Info: (619) 933-1526 or

Promo Form edit

Date 2008-07-13
Event Time 1:30 PM
Title ECDC-General Meeting
Program Immigration and the Border Fence
Venue Rancho San Diego Library
Topic revision: r10 - 17 Jul 2008, EugeneCook
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