Stop Blackwater Courthouse Protest -- Rally and protest in front of federal courthouse, 6/17/2008

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Calendar Entry

Tuesday, Jun 17, 10 a.m. -- STOP BLACKWATER PROTEST AT FEDERAL COURT -- Corner of Front and Broadway, San Diego. Join the community in making our voice heard! Blackwater is not wanted in San Diego! The public wanted to review their warfare training facility and so they brought their case to federal court before a judge appointed by the President's father. We must tell them "NO BAGHDAD ON THE BORDER!" Please bring signs! Court hearing will begin at 10:30 and Mike Aguirre will be arguing the case for the City of San Diego. Note: No political speech allowed in the court (signs, t-shirts, etc.) DIRECTIONS: Park in Horton Plaza, walk one block north and west of mall. Info: 619-933-1526, Citizens

Newspaper Entry

STOP BLACKWATER PROTEST AT FEDERAL COURT will be held on Tues., Jun 17, 10 a.m. -- Corner of Front and Broadway, San Diego. Join the community in making our voice heard! Blackwater is not wanted in San Diego! The public wanted to review their warfare training facility and so they brought their case to federal court before a judge appointed by the President's father. We must tell them "NO BAGHDAD ON THE BORDER!" Please bring signs! Court hearing will begin at 10:30 and Mike Aguirre will be arguing the case for the City of San Diego. Note: No political speech allowed in the court (signs, t-shirts, etc.) DIRECTIONS: Park in Horton Plaza, walk one block north and west of mall. Info: 619-933-1526, Citizens

Promo Form edit

Date 2008-06-17
Event Time 10 a.m.
Title Stop Blackwater Courthouse Protest
Program Rally and protest in front of federal courthouse, 6/17/2008
Venue Federal Courthouse
Topic revision: r5 - 05 Jul 2008, EugeneCook
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