News/Calendar Entry
Citizens Against Private Armies (CAPA) is organizing a protest/rally to "Stop Procinctu," a Blackwater-like training center on a 194-acre site in Homeland, CA, which was approved without environmental review and with illegal waivers. The event will occur on Tuesday, March 17, 2009 at 8:30am in front of the Riverside County Administration Building at 4080 Lemon Street, Riverside, CA 92501 (park in structure). Guest speaker: Tom Swann, Exec. President and Founder, Riverside County Veterans for Peace and Ray Lutz, who helped oust Blackwater from Potrero in San Diego County. Attendees are invited to address county supervisors and express their outrage that this was approved without appropriate review. Info: Ann Weston, 951-764-8512 or Visit