Protest Blackwater In Southwestern College -- Protest/Comment at Southwestern College Governing Board meeting.

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Protest/Comment at Southwestern College Governing Board meeting in opposition to Blackwater-College agreement, April 15, 2009, 6:30p at the Coronado Unified School District Meeting Room, 201 Sixth St., Coronado, CA 92118

In February, 2009, the Southwestern College District Governing Board approved a Memorandum of Understanding with Blackwater Lodge and Training Center (now Xe Services, LLC) to allow the college to use the shooting range in Blackwater's Otay Mesa training facility in trade for the use of campus conference rooms on an unlimited basis (apparently for on-campus mercenary recruiting) and with compensation for cost of the running the range. The Board also agreed to a "gag-order" which restricted their ability to speak to the public without the prior written approval of Blackwater. At the March 11, 2009 meeting, the board voted 4-1 to renegotiate the agreement but to continue to send students to the Blackwater-run shooting range.

Join us to protest the agreement with Blackwater, still providing that students would go to the Blackwater facility and be immersed in pro-Blackwater messages. This is no freebee, but a way for Blackwater to recruit for their own private paramilitary organization.

Endorsed by Citizens Against Private Armies, Activist San Diego, Veterans For Peace, Citizens, Stop and the Peace Resource Center of San Diego.

For details, contact Ray Lutz at 619-820-5321

Calendar Entry

Protest/Comment against Blackwater-Xe/Southwestern College Agreement Wednesday, April 15th, protest at 6:30 pm, meeting at 7:00 pm. At the Coronado Unified School District Meeting Room, 201 Sixth St., Coronado, CA 92118 Info: or Ray Lutz at 619-820-5321 or

Promo Form edit

Date 2009-04-15
Event Time 6:30p
Title Protest Blackwater In Southwestern College
Program Protest/Comment at Southwestern College Governing Board meeting.
Venue Coronado Unified School District Meeting Room, 201 Sixth St., Coronado, CA 92118
Topic revision: r3 - 11 May 2009, RaymondLutz
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