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Candidate Recruitfest -- Learn about elective office opportunities

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Are you a capable person who may have thought you could do a better job than the scoundrels currently in office? You may be surprised to know that many seats throughout the East County area go unchallenged at each election, and they default the last appointee – almost always an insider who has been groomed to give out contract candy to their business buddies.

Frankly, we are sick and tired of watching the absurd decision making of these officials, but we can’t change this situation alone. We need people like you who are willing to give up a few nights a month to be involved in local government, to add some sanity to the mix.

If you are interested in serving your community, if you think you may know people who might be interested, or if you are just knowledgeable about local politics, we would appreciate your attendance at the Candidate Recruitfest!

You don’t need to have a seat in mind, we’ll help you find a race to enter. And, we provide free training for candidates so you can run a respectable campaign. There is nothing better on your resume but a line stating that you’ve served your community as an elected official.

Indeed, we are looking for qualified Democrats who wish to run. Also, if you are a progressive Decline-to-State (nonpartisan) we may be able to help you, although you won’t have the full backing of the Party.


WHEN: Sunday, Sep 13, 2009 1:30 pm
WHERE: Rancho San Diego Library
11555 Via Rancho San Diego, 92019
Contact: 619-820-5321 for more information

SPONSORED BY: the San Diego Democratic Party, the 77AD Caucus of the State Democratic Party, the East County, La Mesa Foothills, and Santee Democratic Clubs


Common Calendar Entry

  • 13 Sep 2009 - Candidate Recruitfest -- Learn about elective office opportunities at the Rancho San Diego Library (1:30p) Hosted by the Democratic Party. Admission is free and open to the public. The Rancho San Diego Library is at 11155 Via Rancho San Diego, El Cajon, 92019 Info: (619) 447-3246 or visit Details

Manage Events

  • Recruitfest Event Icon:

  • Flier JPG by Lori Kern Greenberg:

Refreshments: water, veggie tray, snacks (Linda)

Name Tags, sign-in sheets, GO-Team information (Linda)

Candidate Guide(s) (Raymond)

Club Brochures (club reps)

  1. Opening Remarks by MC----Chris Pearson
  2. Democratic office-holders share their campaign experiences and advice to potential candidates

Have been contacted: (no confirmations)

    • Mary Salas
    • Mary Kay Rosinski (CONFIRMED)
    • Bob Filner
    • OFA (event posted)
    • Humberto Pereza

To contact:
    • George Gastil (Linda)
    • Run Women Run (L)
    • GO-Team (L)
    • Imperial Labor Council Chair (Raymond)
    • Unions (Chris)

  1. Districts Overview & Locally Elected Offices (Raymond)
  2. How to File as a candidate & interfacing with County Dem party to gain support (Jess Durfee---will arrive late so didn’t put him at beginning)
  3. How to obtain key endorsements; labor, clubs, organizations, etc (Chris)
  4. Announce key Dem events and dates (Chris)
  5. Adjourn (we have the room until 5:00 pm, we could help potential candidates match up with an appropriate office to run for, and continue to give help and encouragement)

Here are some of the folks we thought might be candidates and who will contact them:

John Martes (L)

Marge Carlson (L)

Marge’s friend possible Santee candidate (L)

Carroll Boone (L)

Dan Ortiz (R)

Helene R. (Raymond)

Mike Lumpkin (L)

Paul Clay (L)

Rudy Reyes (L)

Jim Hester (L)

(2008 candidates—I have a dis list I can use to contact them)

Gabe (?) Intern for Mary Salas (R)

Pat Hurley (done) and LIbertyoneradio

Any other possibilities please contact them and encourage them to attend.

Raymond has all the details in a computer doc, I’m just using notes, Raymond will have a copy later

So far, that’s all I have.

Promo Form edit

Thumbnail Link candidate_highfive100x95.jpg
Sponsor East County Democratic Club
Date 2009-09-13
Event Time 1:30p-4:30p
Title Candidate Recruitfest
Program Learn about elective office opportunities
Venue Rancho San Diego Library
Info URL
Info Phone 619-447-3246
Info Email
Policy Open To Public, Free
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
NewsRelease_2009-08-28_Candidate_Recruitfest.pdfpdf NewsRelease_2009-08-28_Candidate_Recruitfest.pdf manage 103 K 28 Aug 2009 - 21:01 Raymond Lutz Candidate Recruitfest Press Release, 2009-08-28
candidate_highfive100x95.jpgjpg candidate_highfive100x95.jpg manage 5 K 13 Jul 2009 - 05:02 Raymond Lutz Recruitfest Event Icon
recruitfest.jpgjpg recruitfest.jpg manage 163 K 06 Sep 2009 - 14:57 Raymond Lutz Flier JPG by Lori Kern Greenberg
Topic revision: r7 - 08 Sep 2009, RaymondLutz
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