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Activist Deployment presents Southwestern College Board Meeting, 2009-09-09

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%ADDTOHEAD{text=" <meta name='description' content='%ENCODE{"%DATETIME{"$lwday, $month $day" date="2009-09-09"}%, 6:30p Protest; 7p Meeting: - Activist Deployment presents Southwestern College Board Meeting, 2009-09-09 -- Please join us at this meeting to fight the Blackwater agreement!, Southwestern Community College at
    1. Otay Lakes Road, Rm 214 (Open To Public, Free) Info: 619-447-3246 or visit" type="quotes"}% ' /> "}%

Program Topic: Common.M 817

"Okay, now that Erik Prince has been linked to the murder of two Blackwater-Xe contractors who were ready to blow the whistle, linked to weapons trafficing, and even to becoming the leader of the Christian Crusade to kill Islamic infidels, maybe... the S...outhwestern Board of Governors will listen to reason... Join us at this event and put on the pressure!

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Thumbnail Link StopBlackwaterThumbnail98x94.jpg
Sponsor Citizens Oversight
Date 2009-09-09
Event Time 6:30p Protest; 7p Meeting
Title Activist Deployment
Program Common.M817
Venue Southwestern College
Info URL
Info Phone
Info Email
Policy Open To Public, Free
Topic revision: r5 - 19 Oct 2009, RaymondLutz
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