CurrentEventsTheater presents 9/11 -- Blueprint for Truth
<meta name='description' content='%ENCODE{"%DATETIME{"$lwday, $month $day" date="2010-04-06"}%, 11p: - Current Events Theater presents 9/11 -- Blueprint for Truth -- , Cox Public Access TV at
Cox Cable Channel 23 (or Channel 18 in North County) (Open To Public, Free) Info: or visit
" type="quotes"}% ' /> "}%
Program Topic: Common.M 970
07 Apr 2010 - Current Events Theater presents "9-11 Blueprint for Truth" (11p) on Cox Public Access TV, channel 23 (or channel 18 in the North County) Richard Gage, Architect who is an expert in building design and demolition proves that the three towers in New York were demolished using explosives and calls for a new investigation. Details