Promo Topic Header Media

This is an infrastructure topic.
NOTE: Use this topic to link an event to a media topic, such as if it is a film or if the event will probably be filmed.


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%ADDTOHEAD{text=" <meta name='description' content='%ENCODE{"%DATETIME{"$lwday, $month $day" date=""}%, : - presents -- , at () Info: or visit " type="quotes"}% ' /> "}%

Program Topic: [[]]

---++ Calendar Entry
%DATETIME{"$lwday, $month $day" date=""}%, : -  presents [[][]] -- , [[ Common. ][  ]] at    () Info:  or visit

---++ Newspaper Entry
 will sponsor  presents [[][]] --  %DATETIME{"$lwday, $month $day" date=""}%, . At [[ Common. ][  ]] at    () Info:  or visit

---+++ Autogenerated CommonCalendar Entry
   * %DATETIME{"$day $month $year" date=""}% -  presents [[][]] --   [[ Common. ][  ]] at    () sponsored by   Info:  or visit
Topic revision: r8 - 16 Feb 2010, RaymondLutz
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