The following report was received by email on 11/26/2011. It was modified slightly to format better.
We need more people involved in what is going on with the media, We need
to start having regular meetings or I have to start question what we are
doing here, we had 2 events last week that were not posted anyplace for the
public to see until the very day of the event, this is unacceptable. The
reason we have committee meeting is to make sure we are all on the same
page. We also need to make it so are live stream is up and running as much
as possible. We also request that if you are on the media committee and have
received donated OSD that we are able to log this into our inventory through
logistics, they are keeping an up to date list of items. Please respond if
you are no longer part of media committee and we can take the name off this
list. The People of Occupy SD want to be involved in the media operation but
it is hard when there is not any real committee meeting. try to be part of
the group. We will start putting out emails after every meeting to keep all
upto date on what is going on during OSD media committee meetings. Last
thing need to work with anyone that has the Administration codes, we need to
make sure that OSD has access to the websites as they are set up to help OSD
as a group.
In Attendance:
Cristie Paris
Sharak Saadatnejad
Brian Hedden
Chris McKay
Dante Cano
Reevaluate Media Committee meeting times and format
How to reconvene, bolster and grow the media committee
Reconnecting/Reorganizing Media Personnel, Outlets
Meeting Schedule: To allow for more participation and effectiveness, the media committee consensed upon the following:
Meetings will begin at the circle in the Civic Center, at 5:30 PM Monday through Friday, 10AM on Saturday and 12PM on Sunday. If the meeting members decide to move the meeting to a nearby location after convening at the Civic Center Circle, they may do that. Work meetings, for and by people of the media committee to accomplish related tasks, can take place any time, anywhere.
Notes must be taken during and emailed out after every media committee meeting to inform members of the committee who were not in attendance of what was accomplished, discussed or decided at the meeting. If emailed to Chris Mc Kay, he has agreed to send them to the entire committee via email.
Our current media outlets and their admins (a work in progress)