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Buy Shut Down San Onofre Bumper Sticker


Bumper sticker is 3.5" by 7.25" and has non-permanent adhesive, which is generally safe for use on your car.

TO PURCHASE BUMPER STICKERS... Please donate $1 (or more) for each sticker you want, plus $1 for Shipping and Handling (no matter how many you buy.) Please included your address, we will mail them to your address! Please tell us how many stickers you want!

We have established an account with Pay Pal. Please donate any amount.
We are a 501c3, tax exempt organization. You can deduct any contributions you make from your taxable income.

NOTE: If you want to donate more, then just tell us how many actual bumper stickers you want in the notes!

To Donate by Check, please make checks payable to Citizens Oversight, and tell us how many bumper stickers you want ($1 each plus $1 S&H for any amount)

Please mail to:
Citizens Oversight
771 Jamacha Rd. #148
El Cajon, CA 92019

Thanks for your support! (Return to main page)

I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
photo-Bumpersticker.jpgjpg photo-Bumpersticker.jpg manage 27 K 26 Jun 2014 - 21:23 Raymond Lutz Bumper Sticker!
Topic revision: r3 - 11 Mar 2015, RaymondLutz
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