Press Conference Video u7vY * Padillas_letter_to_ROVs.16295sr.pdf: Letter from SOS General Counsel Reyes on Election Audit Lawsuit Re...
Season's Greetings Before the kerosene lantern and the electric lightbulb, humans stared at the night sky and told stories about what they saw. Groups of stars b...
* Thanks for your support! (Return to main page) DonateToCitizensOversight We are a 501c3, tax exempt organization. You can deduct any contributions you make fro...
Jump to the letter: * PDF: Request for DOJ Investigation into the Integrity of the 2024 Presidential Election.pdf * Googledoc Press Release CALL FOR DOJ ...
MediaTopicHeader var hupso_services_t=new Array("Twitter","Facebook","Google Plus","Pinterest","Linkedin","Tumblr","StumbleUpon","Digg","Reddit","Bebo","Delicious...
This web site is dedicated to enabling citizens to provide needed oversight to our democracy. At present, Citizens Oversight is focused only on deploying AuditEng... In addition to this, we later learned that some researchers found that the map, supposedly was of Atlanta, was actuall...
* 2024 09 05 M2023 Letter to Biden and Garland.pdf: Letter to President Biden and AG Garland re election data retention and publication Concerned Citizens Urge P...
Abstract: We developed a 2022 audit primary and a general election data dashboard that includes images of the ballots voted in Leon County. These data are embedde...
Email to GA State Election Board Dear John Fervier and GA State Election Board: Please submit this comment to the Board for consideration. There is a lot of news ...
COPS VVSG 2.0 Comments * This is our primary comments document to the Election Assistance Commission (AEC) as comment to the Voluntary Voting Systems Guideline...
Email sent to GA State Election Board Dear John Fervier and GA State Election Board: Please submit this comment to the Board for consideration. There is a lot of ...
AuditReports See also * AuditEngine landing site * AuditEngine/Projects high level overview of audit projects with nice pictures of county buildings *...
Dane County has been publishing ballot images and cast vote records since about 2016. However, this page only provides the past few years. https://elections.count...
San Francisco has been a leader in providing complete information of recent elections, including ballot images, cast vote records, etc. Main site: * https://w...
ElectionData This page will summarize source of election data that is available for independent audits, including in many cases ballot images, cast vote records, ...
Dallas, TX produced a remarkably complete set of data for the March 2024 primary election. This was a new step for Dallas, and it was the first such large publica...
I frequently see people trying to use the Cast Vote Records (CVR) to analyze the election results, particularly with regard to "The Rule of Large Numbers" i.e. th...
Judge says county must change vote counting procedures in future elections Ray Lutz, the national coordinator of Citizens’ Oversight, at his El Cajon home. (K.C. ...
A key element of defending our democracy is ensuring elections that are fair and free of scams. There are many dimensions of this problem. You may have heard a lo...
* Video: Ray Lutz, Eve Lee, Josephine Piarulli, Patricia Gracian, and Madge Torres speak before the San Diego City Cou...
Notes * Here, the tally team is finishing up a single precinct they started the day before. * At offset 20min, they complete the reading and tallying part, an...
Note: This analysis considers the risk factors to allow RLA audits to be compared with Ballot image audits. There are many other risks, such as due to improper el...
Slides of this presentation * 2019 10 06 Presentation at NVRTF on RLAs and BIAs.pdf: 2019 10 06 Presentation at NVRTF on RLAs and BIAs.pdf Press Release * ...
Status * Submitted to the NIST Election Cybersecurity working group on 2019 11 24 * Proposed strategy for progressing: Break into three parts: * Securin...
To comment on this document, Add your comments to the Goggle Doc at this link. * Four Fatal Flaws of RLA Audits (M1938 2019 12 10).pdf: Checkpoint sent to the ...
THE REQUEST Issue an executive order and pursue legislation so that 1. Election Audits include all, or nearly all vote by mail ballots. 2. Ballot Images and...
NOTE: This is a good example when ballot images could be very helpful in settling whether the ballots were altered to try to put the contest into a most of drawin...
THIS DOCUMENT IS DEPRECATED. Please see: guide/sending_data/ "Sending Election Data to AuditEngine" To view googledoc for comm...
GEORGIA: SAVE AND SECURE THE BALLOT IMAGES Ballot images can thwart changes to paper ballots or magically losing or finding new ballots in the recount. Citizens...