California Native Plant Society

California Native Plant Society, San Diego Chapter
c/o San Diego Natural History Museum
P.O. Box 121390,
San Diego, CA 92112-1390
- (619) 685-7321

Join CNPS and receive a free gift! This offer is open to new members only and you must join and pay at the general meeting. CNPS members who recruit a new member will also receive a free gift. Membership forms will be available at the meeting or you can download one from our website.

About CNPS-San Diego Monthly Programs

  • Chapter meetings are open to the public; there is no charge
  • Our programs are the 3rd Tuesday of the month, excluding August and December.
  • 7:00-7:30 PM is a time for discussion, camaraderie, and visiting the book sales table. The program starts at 7:30 PM. Come early and browse our books. Stay after the program for conversation and refreshments. We meet in Balboa Park, in the Casa del Prado, Room 101 or Room 104, which can be reached by car from Village Place off of Park Boulevard (served by the #7 bus). The Casa del Prado is immediately west of the Natural History Museum. The meeting room is handicapped accessible.
  • Special Feature: 7-7:30 pm: Mystery plants identified by Dr. Jon Rebman, botany curator at SDNHM. Bring your unknown plant and Jon will help you learn to identify it!

-- Raymond Lutz - 07 Apr 2007
Topic revision: r1 - 07 Apr 2007, RaymondLutz
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