Connie Frankowiak


On November 20, 2005, Connie Frankowiak made the following statement declaring that she would run against Duncan Hunter in the 2006 Election.

Since Duncan Hunter in my 52nd Congressional District is not representing the people of our district and is instead representing the corporations and has supported the president's efforts to destroy the Social Security Program and has also supported the Iraq war, I have decided to run against Duncan Hunter in the 52nd Congressional District in the 2006 Election.

When elected to the U.S. House of Representatives I will introduce the following bills:

1. A bill of impeachment against President Bush and Vice President Cheney for lying to the American People, the U.S. Congress and the U.N. so that they could make war against Iraq.

2. A bill that states that within 90 days all American troops will be withdrawn from both Iraq and Afghanistan.

3. I will introduce legislation that will totally reform America's governmental, political, legal, tax and corporate systems.

4. I will introduce a bill that will establish a National Health Insurance Program for all the American people and this program will be paid for with the billions saved by eliminating the thousands of Health Insurance Plan bureaucracies and also the mindboggling governmental, medical and insurance paperwork and replacing these with a total electronic system as other democratic nations have established. It is a disgrace that all the democratic nations of the world can provide all their citizens with national affordable health insurance plans except the wealthiest democratic nation that has 50 million taxpaying Americans who are unable to afford health insurance and 50 million more who can only afford limited health care insurance and increasing numbers of corporations and businesses can no longer afford the skyrocketing health insurance plans for their employees.

5. A bill that will create jobs through contracts to rebuild America, Halliburton need not apply.

6. A bill that will increase the minimum wage to $7.00.

7. A bill that will abolish swindle bills like the Pharmaceutical, Energy and Transportation bills and also to abolish that mean-spirited, cruel and greedy credit-card bill.

8. A bill to create a permanent U.S. Congressional special prosecutors office that will investigate and prosecute all corruption, fraud, and waste that occurs in governmental contracts, programs and federal agencies since the U.S. Department of Justice is politicized and refuses to protect the people from these criminal activities, abuses of power and unrestrained greed.

9. I will introduce a bill that will revoke the broadcasting licenses of the owners of FOX, CNN, NBC, ABC, and CBS news stations since they are making billions on the people's airwaves by lying to, deceiving and misleading the American people and refusing to tell the people about what is really going on in America and the world. These are not news stations but right-wing fascist propaganda stations that are abusing their power. The day that America rids itself of its corrupt corporate mass media will be the beginning of the end of fascism in America and as a result a rebirth of democracy in the land.

A PLEDGE TO THE PEOPLE OF THE 52nd CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT: I will never lie to the people that I will be representing, I will never vote for swindle bills or the destruction of the Social Security Program nor will I support any war of aggression based on lies.

Connie Frankowiak
14925 Gr. S. Overland
Julian, CA 92036

(The above letter was received on April 13th, 2006 and reproduced here for your interest.)

-- Raymond Lutz - 15 Apr 2006

Contact Form edit

Name Last Frankowiak
Name First Connie
Position Title
Address 14925 GREAT SO OVRLND STAGE RT # 5
City State Zip JULIAN, CA 92036
Type Candidate
Note Former Candidation 52CD, 2006 & 2010
Thumbnail Link
Topic revision: r4 - 25 Feb 2013, RaymondLutz
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