ECPAC Foundation Nominating Committee
The ECPAC Foundation Nominating Committee was formed as an ad-hoc committee at the 27 Aug 2012 Foundation general meeting. The Nominating committee will make recommendations for the executive board and committee chairs.
Meeting 31 Aug 2012
The Nominating Committee met at 5pm on Friday, 31 Aug 2012 at the El Cajon Brewing Company.
- Attendees: Ray Lutz, Gordon Bosma, Duane Swainston, Christopher Shamoon.
- Ray Lutz brought in a list of about 36 names to be reviewed as potential members of either the eboard, committee chairs, or committee members.
- After much discussion, it became clear that the was more work to be done before we would be able to recommend a full slate, particularly for key positions such as Finance.
- The general vision is:
- a small eBoard (executive board) of the Foundation will guide the formation of committees
- Chair of each committee is also a member of the eboard.
- Each cte. should have a vice chair who is learning the ropes of the cte.
- Members of committees will bring their input to that segment of the theater operation.
- Entire Foundation (eboard + committees) will oversee the operation of the theater
- Paid staff will be forming the crew that will run the theater on a day-to-day basis.
- Thus, the treasurer of the foundation will deal with donations, pledges, etc. but not with the larger budgets of ticket sales, marketing of presentations, etc. that will be performed by the professional staff.
- One or more advisory committees will be appropriate to maintain liaison with merchants, renters, school districts, local governments (incl. tribal govts) etc.
- Theater will be run initially as rental-only venue, build that line of business, then gradually introduce low-risk presentations, and gradually move to higher-risk presentations.
- Some people have stepped forward. We generally consensed on some of these at prior meetings but the entire general meeting will approve each eboard and committee chair. (Each person should bring in their resume and be ready to summarize why they are appropriate for each position.)
- Ray Lutz can continue to be chairing the Foundation.
- Dustin Holcum, who used to work at the theater and knows it inside at out, volunteered for the position of Operations Chair, esp. Back of House (production, rigging, sound, lights, etc.) but also Front of House (Box office, Ushers, etc. except for concessions). Dustin has proposed a full review of the contents of the theater and compare this with the existing inventory lists, to occur at our next theater inspection.
- Christopher Shamoon, who is a restauranteur in town, can chair the concessions cte. and will be evaluating the situation in the next theater inspection. Christopher will be pulling together a meeting with local merchants and the PBID, which will be our next dog and pony show.
- Duane Swainston will continue working in Marketing Cte, esp. with regard to local stakeholders and tribal governments.
- Shirley Stowers and Wanda Elmore are heading up the events, including the Centennial and Gala Fundraiser.
- Gordon Bosma will try to find out what the city has done regarding the experts hired to review the theater from Palm Desert.
- Many other people were discussed. (If you see yourself taking a larger role, now is the time to step forward.)
- Other observations:
- Clayton Anderson was the chair of the Arts Center Foundation as it was being dissolved. He may be able to help from time to time but has moved to San Clemente and so is not as available as he was in the past. He may have contacts for treasurer, etc. that were on the ACF before.
- Auday Arabo was at one time the chair of the ACF but has moved out of town. Christopher Shamoon has some contact with him and will try to look him up.
- One of the members of the Grossmont Cuyamaca Community College District (GCCCD) board would be appropriate in at least an advisory capacity: Greg Barr, Mary Kay Rosinski, or Bill Garrett (who was the former El Cajon City Manager when the ACF was still operating).
- Tasks:
- Nom. Cte. members will work to identify eboard and committee chairs by contacting proposed individuals as well as contacting people identified as knowing a lot of other people.
- Ray: Find out likely schedule when city will process this issue.
Upcoming events:
- 02 Sep 2012 - Labor Day, no ECPAC Foundation meeting.
- 07 Sep 2012 - (2.30pm) Theater inspection, including review of inventory and condition of operating elements. Piano inspection by local expert Diane De Tar who wants to pull the action. City has asked us to keep the number of people to a minimum. Rob Turner has confirmed availability on this date at 2:30pm. After this event we will go to the Urbn El Cajon see below.
- 07 Sep 2012 - (5pm) ECPAC Foundation Meeting - Theater inspection debriefing plus review of progress on Nominating Committee at Urbn El Cajon
- 11 Sep 2012 - City Council meeting. Public comment on ECPAC, not on the agenda. (need to confirm their general schedule on this).
- 17-21 Sep 2012 - Target to arrange 2nd public meeting, prob. at The Palms with the intention to bring in many merchants, restauranteurs, and stakeholders to hear about our plans. (Likely earlier in the week when business is low in town). Duane Swainston and Christopher Shamoon working to set this up.
- 24 Sep 2012 - (6p) ECPAC Foundation Meeting, location TBD.
- 25 Sep 2012 - (3p) City Council meeting -- ECPAC will likely be on the agenda. May be a workshop at 1:30p.
Ideas for eboard and committees. (The lists below are from a secure area and thus you can't see these unless you have permission.)
The whole list of ECPAC related contacts (Secure)
Number of topics: 0