Election Integrity Team Meeting 2014 May 29

This is the invitation that was sent out. We had about 10 people at the meeting.

ELECTION INTEGRITY TEAM MEETING, MAY 29, 2014 (Giovanni's Restaurant at corner of Clairemont Mesa Blvd and Ruffin Rd, 6pm)

COPS has performed extensive reviews and analysis of the local procedures at our friendly Registrar of Voters. Just let me say I have almost no confidence that they are not cheating. (current Registrar, Michael Vu, was involved in absentee voter fraud in Cuyahoga county, OH, as two of his subordinates were convicted.)

As a result of this inquiry, a method to provide essential additional election oversight has been devised, "Election Snapshot Review," and I have sent the first letter (attached) to the ROV requesting their assistance in this process. In the past, they have been cooperative. The process is explained on the link below, if you are interested in learning more prior to the training.


It is my goal, this time around, to assemble a team of volunteers to be trained to implement the process, and hopefully, continue to apply it at future elections. (I love to do this myself as it is a great way to have a huge impact but it is now my goal to only train other people in these oversight roles so it can also spread to other districts, and so I can continue to be addressing on the $3.3 billion San Onofre settlement, etc.)

This process will defeat many central-tabulator manipulation vulnerabilities, which may been applied at recent elections. If they are applied, the result will be about 5% spread toward the candidate that probably would not have otherwise won. I applied the oversight for the Filner election (he won) but was not able to do it for the Faulkner/Alvarez election. Guess what, Faulkner won by about 5% spread, and that is suspicious to me.

If you are interested in becoming a team member for this project, please contact me by email (raylutz@citizensoversight.org). At this point, I am assessing the number of people who want to be on this team. If we have many volunteers, then there are other oversight roles you can fill DURING the election itself, and during the first night of processing, although the ESR process takes place about a week or two after the election.

This meeting is a precursor to regular COPS meetings. If you are interested in other COPS activities, I still encourage you to contact me so I can find the right size meeting place.

--Ray Lutz

P.S. The total time for the procedure is about 4 hours split up over several days at the Registrar of Voters office in Kearney Mesa (Not including training)
Topic revision: r2 - 06 Oct 2014, RaymondLutz
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