(read this as a web-page: http://www.copswiki.org/Common/ElectionTeamEmail_2016-08-16 )
This is our SECOND email since our big press conference announcing our big lawsuit win! We appreciate all of the comments you sent to us. You are a very impressive group and are grateful for your willingness to help ensure fair elections. If you are a newcomer, you can catch up by visiting
Election Team and reviewing earlier emails and phone conference calls.
PLEASE NOTE: Next conference call moved to THURSDAY, 8/18 to avoid conflict with Jill Stein event on Wednesday evening.
This Conference Call was held on:
- Thu, Aug 18, 2016 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM Pacific Daylight Time
Here is the archived video of the call
AGENDA for our meeting
- ATTENDEES: Please watch tutorial so you know how to set your name if you decide to call in by telephone.
- Short introduction
- Status report on our lawsuit and its implications.
- Trial starts Oct 3 and is scheduled for 3 days.
- Experts agree with us, all ballots must be included in the random selection in the audit.
- Now doing discovery and lining up expert witnesses.
- Planning for November
- Will need to have teams established and trained by mid October.
- We will be trying to get everyone to work together on state and district level.
- We have targeted the top 175 districts in the nation which comprises 50% of the voters out of the 8000+ districts.
- WI is a special problem as they use 3500 really small districts.
- Two aspects which can be applied to most districts.
- Boots on the ground in-person oversight -- must start when VBM ballots start to be returned (10 days before election in CA).
- VBM reception, sorting, screening, signature validation
- Polling place visits
- Provisional screening
- Manual tally room
- Chain of custody
- Be alert, you don't know what you will catch.
- Snapshot Oversight -- requires:
- notification letter to election officials notifying them of the need for the snapshot data file.
- oversight of chain of custody -- best to have overseers in election office making sure they cannot be manipulated.
- obtaining snapshot data file (preliminary results broken down by precinct, ballot type (VBM vs. Polls), and ballot option.
- Watching or participating in random precinct (or batch) selection.
- Make sure all ballots cast are included (the subject of our lawsuit)
- Requesting audit report (AKA "1% manual tally" in CA)
- Need to have the results of the races so these can be compared to the snapshot file.
- reviewing the results -- Variances that they report, how did they solve them.
- Check that snapshot file matches their computer report.
- Provide your results to Citizens Oversight.org wiki so we can build our archive of audits for future reference.
- Data collection from June Election
- There is so much that went on in this election but unfortunately, almost no one is collecting solid data. We want to do that.
- We have started a 5% sample of the sign-in rosters in San Diego
- This provides a wealth of information you can't get otherwise, such as number of cross-over voters, pure provisionals, etc.
- We are seeing that cross over ballots were treated as provisionals in terms of additional screening, but not included in benefits of being notified if your ballots was counted.
- This takes quite a bit of time, so far longer than the 10 minutes per precinct but we are getting faster.
- We can provide the data collection procedures we used in San Diego, and this can likely be applied to other districts.
- Your first step in other states: determine district priorities. See State Election District Targeting Procedure
- We will be trying to get groups together in each state and target district to do your best at providing oversight. Even if you just show up, it has value.
- We will be providing a sample notification letter which can be applied (with some alteration) for your state and district for the Snapshot Protocol
- Q&A -- Please send a chat message to the organizer so we can acknowledge you and you can unmute your microphone.
- Adjournment
AGAIN, Welcome!