You are here: Cops>Common Web>FootLinks (12 Feb 2010, RaymondLutz)Edit Attach

Foot Links

This topic is a macro which will format links so they are also included in a footnote list. This is suitable for print-format production as it provides the full URL of the link, but also allows for easy clicking if the link is provided locally. This requires Foot Note Plugin. This is an INFRASTRUCTURE topic.

To use it, you call as follows:
%INCLUDE{"FootLinks" LINKURL="full url" WEBTOPIC="web/topic" LINKTEXT="arbitrary text" LINKDESC="additional description not part of link but included after it."}%


Example Source:
%INCLUDE{"FootLinks" LINKURL="" LINKTEXT="Scanned Ballot" LINKDESC="Full-color, one side, JPEG format, 96 dpi, 191KB"}% %INCLUDE{"FootLinks" WEBTOPIC="Common/FootLinks" LINKTEXT="Link to this topic" LINKDESC="A handy include topic for creating hardcopy-friendly links"}%

Results In:

And footnotes below:
Topic revision: r5 - 12 Feb 2010, RaymondLutz
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