Gmo Open Forum Newcomer Guide


GMO Open Forum is a Facebook forum which discusses GMO topics. This page should help new users of the forum gain the most value from their participation.

Primarily, we want people who are interested in working with others to gain knowledge. If your intention is to come to the forum to tell everyone else they are wrong and you are right, then you should find a different forum. The intent is to remain evidence based. If you make a claim, be ready to back it up with evidence.

Forum Rules of Etiquette

We have adopted a set of rules which we have used for more than 20 years in both Facebook forums and email forums. Please read over these rules here: The most egregious violators will be immediately unmembered from the forum. Otherwise, we have a three-strikes policy for violations. In general, we do not ban people from the forum. This means you can read and review your contributions to the forum even if you have been unmembered. We try to contact you in a Private Message before you are unmembered.

If you post very rapidly and refuse to engage on specific issues, administrators of the forum may have to unmember you due to workload concerns.

Special Rules for Facebook

  • Facebook Violations -- If you are flagged by facebook for any possible violations of their submission policies, we will unmember you.
  • Graphic Memes: -- We added new rules largely banning the posting of graphic memes, which tends to happen a lot on Facebook these days. Please avoid this. Exceptions are graphics you create yourself, those related to an article or from newspapers. You can submit a graphic you do not agree with and then say why. You can submit graphics that are newsworthy, such as if a person was fired for a cartoon.
  • Organization: -- The other problem with Facebook is that it is nearly impossible to organize. What results is repetitive posts from anyone new because they can't find the old post. Thus, we have set up two resources to help:
    • Gmo Open Forum Faqs -- Frequently Asked Question and answers. This page is maintained by Ray Lutz, who supports additional testing and is unconvinced by claims of Gmo safety. Please read these questions and answers over before you engage in the forum. Please don't re-ask these questions. This page is updated frequently with any new questions that are asked a lot.
    • Gmo Open Forum -- background and links to some threads in the forum.
  • Original Posts -- Please refrain from any original posts if you are a new member. If you are wondering if a post is appropriate, you may run it by our admins.
Topic revision: r3 - 10 Jun 2019, RaymondLutz
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