More infor at their website:
Good Works PAC identifies and supports Democratic candidates who use community service events to highlight real solutions to real problems. In 2006, we are concentrating our efforts in the swing state of Pennsylvania, but we are also working with Democrats around the country to support positive change.
Why? Political competitions are extremely negative and intensely unpleasant for the candidates and voters alike. Quite understandably, our elected officials have engineered competition right out of the system. Districts are gerrymandered to be "safe" for one party or the other, and both parties try to discourage competition in the primaries. We can break this vicious cycle if we can develop a positive style of campaigning that engages voters and wins elections. If it wins, it will spread. If it's positive, then real competition in the primaries, at least, will once again be possible.
Finding a positive, winning campaign style is the core purpose of
Good Works PAC, and that is why we are committed to promoting public service and civic engagement projects for Democratic Congressional campaigns.