You should treat a PDF just like any
News Media topic because then it will be picked up by any topic that searches news media. Click "Add" next to the
News Media or go to
Submit Media. It will create a new topic with an automatically generated name, like M1071. Fill in the title, date, etc. but not the Media Link. Save it. Click "Attach" and select the PDF from your computer, check to add a link to the attachment, and upload it.
Now for the "sticky" part. To get it to embed the PDF, you need to enter the link to the attached document in the formfield "Media Link". The link to the document you uploaded will normally be %ATTACHURL%/filenameyouattached.pdf but that does not work correctly anywhere except when evaluated in this topic. If it is evaluated in another topic, it will pick up the url relative to that topic. Normally the attachments go here: And the first part up through pub is "%PUBURL%. So you should edit the link to the document in the topic:
- from: %ATTACHURL%/filenameyouattached.pdf
- to: %PUBURL%/Common/Mxxxx/filenameyouattached.pdf
"Common" is the web name and Mxxxx is the topic name you just created. You'll need to change the xxxx to the exact number of the media topic, like M1071 or something like that.
Now, copy that whole thing into the "Media Link" formfield ( like %PUBURL%/Common/M1071/filename.pdf)
If there is a URL where you originally downloaded the PDF from, you should include that in the topic like this:
- Original Source URL:
so we can go back to it if we need to.
Now, to embed the PDF into the topic, you need only include the following:
for portrait orientation (height larger than width) or
for landscape orientation. Use raw mode (default for this wiki) and not wysiwyg mode for these edits.