M 11 San Onofre Protest And Rally Comms

Ranger Interaction (Most recent first)

Mr. Lutz,

Thank you for responding to my e-mail. In order to reserve a campsite at the State Parks, you must go through a central reservations system operated by Reserve America. There are two methods to obtain reservations at the State Park Campgrounds- You can call (800) 444-7275 or go online at www.parks.ca.gov. San Mateo Campground and San Clemente Campground are the closest campsites to your event. San Mateo is 4.8 miles to the San Onofre Bluff campground gate. San Clemente is 5.0 miles. Group sites range from $225 to $280. Individual campsites are reserved for $35 per night and RV’s with hook-ups are $65 per night.

I just went online and it appears that San Mateo has the most available sites and San Clemente is about one-half full on March 10th. The number of available campsites change by the minute. So this information is already outdated. The types of campsites, prices of various sites and availability can be found on the website or by calling the 800 number listed above.

Day use parking: The day use area for vehicles and buses will be available ½ mile south of your rally site in the San Onofre State Beach (Bluffs) . The entry fee for cars is $15. Buses are $100. The only public restrooms in the area are located inside the park. Most of the restrooms are fixed buildings that have up to four toilets per building. The buildings are spread out along the 3.2 miles of park. With large numbers of people there could be a great deal of walking to get to a restroom.

Parking outside the Park: Parking along Basilone Road is prohibited for a variety of reasons. There is a very active Bicycle Lane running on both sides of the road and anyone parking there is subject to citation and towing. We normally see upwards of 2000 bicycles on the weekends (per day) transiting this stretch of road. We have had several bicycle accidents resulting in critical injury and death. Parking in this area is prohibited and “No Stopping” signs are posted. Parking or stopping of vehicles on the road in front of the Power Plant is not allowed due to security reasons. There are areas where people can safely stand and have a visual & verbal presence. If you would like to scout out the possibilities, I will be happy to help you out.

Thanks for your time. I hope that the above information is helpful.

Terry Murphy
State Park Peace Officer Supervisor II
Orange Coast District
(949) 795-4823

From: Raymond Lutz [mailto:raylutz@citizensoversight.org]
Sent: Friday, February 17, 2012 5:29 PM
To: Murphy, Terry
Cc: Carol Jahnkow; Marcia Patt; Gene Stone
Subject: Re: San Onofre Protest Information

Dear Terry:

Thank you for your email. We are now aware of the lack of camping availability at San Onofre State Beach and we have changed our information to reflect that reality. Sadly, some fliers were printed with the statement that camping would be available. I went to your website and I looked but could not find any clear statement that it was not available. The result will be that you will have to field a few calls from people who are looking for additional information, but in all future literature and web site pages, etc. we will have the correct information.

Regarding the San Mateo campground. That certainly does look like a good option for those people who want to camp during the event. Am I correct it concluding that San Mateo is part of San Onofre SB (per http://www.parks.ca.gov/pages/737/files/august%2017%20web_camping.pdf)? -- and spaces rent for $35/night? ($60 with hook ups?) Is there generally availability at these parks on the proposed 3/10-11 weekend?

I would like to get from you a very concise statement about how people should inquire/reserve camping so this information can be accurately promulgated.

We are very happy to talk with you about the logistics to make this work for everyone. Please see this web page which has the latest information we have about the event: http://www.copswiki.org/Common/M11SanOnofreProtestAndRally

I suggest you take a look at the diagram where we detail our plans for how the event will be held.

Parking: Indeed, we have been assuming that people can pay for a day-use fee and park at the San Onofre area. Also, there is an expectation that a number of buses can drop off people there and turn around, and perhaps pull over and park during the event. Also, the public restrooms will be needed.

I understand that the last protest of this type had about 15,000 people.

We are having a planning meeting tomorrow (Saturday, 2/18). Your questions and this reply email will be discussed at that meeting and we will work to decide how to support your idea for a meeting to go over logistics. We are very happy to work with you to make this event a success for everyone.

Thank you again for your kind assistance.

--Ray Lutz

On 2/17/2012 4:18 PM, Murphy, Terry wrote:

Citizens Oversight,

I have received word that Citizens Oversight is planning on having a Protest / Rally at the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station on March 11, 2012. Your website mentions that San Onofre State Beach is your parking and perhaps meeting place prior to your rally. In an effort to assist your group to avoid any problems or issues, I would like the opportunity to sit down with some of your organizers prior to your event.

A more urgent issue is that your website talks about camping and RV sites. Camping at San Onofre starts in April and will not be open for camping during your event. We do have other nearby campgrounds for your members should they decide to camp overnight. Our San Mateo Campground and San Clemente State Park Campgrounds are available for reservations and are fairly close to the event site.

Again, I would like to meet with your organizers prior to the event and discuss a number of safety issues that could upset your protest / rally. I look forward to hearing from you.

Terry Murphy
State Park Peace Officer Supervisor II
Orange Coast District
(949) 795-4823
Topic revision: r1 - 08 Mar 2012, RaymondLutz
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