(M1022) 2010-08-18 Politicians Starving to Debate -- Lawrence O Donnell, MSNBC Hardball, Features Ray Lutz and Duncan Hunter Jr
(M1016) 2010-08-12 The 'Last Supper' of Ray Lutz prior to Hunger Strike -- RayLutz, VoteRayLutz, Features RayLutz
(M1017) 2010-08-09 Request to Debate delivered to Duncan D. Hunter (and refused) -- RayLutz, VoteRayLutz,
(M995) 2010-04-24 Duncan D. Hunter on Birthright Citizenship -- , YouTube, Features DuncanHunterJr
(M1064) 2010-04-20 Way too cozy! Private meetings between SDG&E officials, and state public utility commissioners. -- MichaelTurko, KusiNews, SDG&E wines and dines CPUC officials just before the SunrisePowerlink approval
(M959) 2010-02-26 Interview - Jeff Halper - The Global Pacification Industry -- Jeff Harper, YouTube,
(M901) 2009-12-09 Local Assemblyman Faces Illegal Contributions Allegations -- , AbcNewsSanDiego, Features JoelAnderson
(M898) 2009-11-24 Blackwater’s Secret War in Pakistan: Jeremy Scahill Reveals Private Military Firm Operating in Pakistan Under Covert Assassination and Kidnapping Program -- JeremyScahill, DemocracyNow,
(M841) 2009-09-08 Pres. Obama National Address to Students -- President Barack Obama, Whitehouse.gov,
(M812) 2009-08-07 US security firm faces fresh allegations - 07 Aug 09 -- , AlJazeera,
(M785) 2009-05-14 Forum Held Over Southwestern College's Contract With Military Security Firm XE -- , Kfmb Radio, BlackwaterInSouthwesternCollege
(M873) 2009-04-23 Ethics and Military Contractors: Examining the Public-Private Partnership. -- Mc Cain Conference, Stockdale Center for Ethical Leadership, United States Naval Academy (Citizens Oversight),
(M723) 2009-01-30 Romoland angry over training center -- Rob Mc Millan, AbcNews,
(M697) 2008-12-08 U.S. Justice Department hands down 35-charge indictments against Blackwater Guards -- , C Span, NisourSquareMassacre VIDEO NOT AVAILABLE
(M666) 2008-10-28 Public Comment by Raymond Lutz regarding lack of reports from Diebold Scanner equipment -- , San Diego County, Skip to offset 38:00; ScannerTapeReview; SanDiegoCountyCanvassProcedure
(M627) 2008-08-29 Barack Obama at the 2008 DNC -- Barack Obama, DNC,
(M636) 2008-08-28 Dennis Kucinich addresses impeachment at PDA event -- Dennis Kucinich, , Sign the Petition at http://www.Kucinich.us
(M581) 2008-08 Officials Hope To Expand County Wind Energy -- AbcNewsSanDiego, AbcNewsSanDiego, Features JeanetteHartman; Includes footage of the Border Fence work with DuncanHunter and BrianBilbray.
(M583) 2008-08-01 Smugglers Gulch + BLM proposing wind energy plans for the East County -- Rett Lawrence, AbcNewsSanDiego, Features JeanetteHartman, DuncanHunter
(M734) 2008-07-29 A Divided Friendship -- , UCSD, Details Friendship Park and its planned demise.
(M567) 2008-07-08 The Ballad of Esequiel Hernández Lesson Plan — Video Clip -- Kieran Fitzgerald, Pbs Org,
(M565) 2008-07-02 US Private Contractor Leads Torture Training in Mexico -- Kristin Bricker, Narco Sphere, WARNING -- TORTURE VIDEO IS DISTURBING.
(M573) 2008-07-01 Free for All! -- John Wellington Ennis, John Wellington Ennis, Detailed review of 2004 election irregularities in Ohio
(M529) 2008-06-11 Protesters Rally Against Blackwater Facility -- , KusiNews,
(M560) 2008-06-11 Activists Protest Outside Blackwater Building -- Kristine Frazao, SanDiegoNBC7,