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Other Videos

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Video(M514) 2008-05-14a KO Special Comment: Bush, The War, and His Golf Game Pt 1 -- Keith Olbermann, MSNBC,


Video(M515) 2008-05-14 KO Special Comment: Bush, The War, and His Golf Game Pt 2 -- Keith Olbermann, MSNBC,


Video(M509) 2008-05-02 Southern California Residents Gear Up for New Fight to Stop Secretive Expansion by Military Firm Blackwater -- Amy Goodman, Raymond Lutz, Bob Filner, DemocracyNow, Ray Lutz featured on DemocracyNow!


Video(M482) 2008-03-25 Local Journalist Discusses Book on Blackwater -- Katie Delong, TMJ 4, Interview with Jeremy Scahill


Video(M492) 2008-02-20 San Diego Smart Energy 2020 -- Bill Powers, San Diego Renewable Energy Society,


Video(M421) 2008-02-04 Face Off: Thom vs Blackwater USA -- , Go Left TV,


Video(M425) 2008-02-01 Bill Moyers Journal: The Oversight and Government Reform Committee -- ,, Includes Rep. Henry Waxman's views on Blackwater


Video(M712) 2008 Recount -- , Hbo Films, [ Screened 2008-08-24 at RanchoSanDiegoLibrary. Bonnie Rawson has DVD. ]


Video(M970) 2008 9/11 -- Blueprint for Truth -- Richard Gage, AIA, AE,


Video(M719) 2007-12-20 The American Denial of Global Warming -- Naomi Oreskes, Ph.D., Ucsd Tv, Important encapsulation of Global Warming issue and the plan to undermine it.


Video(M376) 2007-12-11 Votes Cast in Blackwater Recall Election -- , NBCSan Diego,


Video(M628) 2007-12-06 Olbermann: Bush has no business being President -- Keith Olbermann, Ms Nbc,


Video(M349) 2007-11-25 Rise and Fall of Blackwater in Potrero -- Andy Trimlett, Alternate Focus,


Video(M338) 2007-11-22 Blackwater Looks To Open Southern California Training Center -- Ken Bastida, CBSNews,


Video(M314) 2007-11-14 Blackwater Divides California Community -- Rob Reynolds, Aljezeera, Uploaded to YouTube on 09/17/2007


Video(M699) 2007-11-14 Loose Change Final Cut -- Dylan Avery, Louder Than Words,


Video(M790) 2007-11-13 Judgment Day -- Intelligent Design on Trial -- , Pbs Nova, Have DVD.


Video(M279) 2007-11-06 Jeremy Scahill on Blackwater: They're Christian Supremacists With a Conversion Agenda [VIDEO] -- , AlterNet,


Video(M612) 2007-11-04 Blackwater Poem Reading -- So Cal 2 Ky, YouTube, NisourSquareMassacre


Video(M803) 2007-10-28 Money as Debt -- Paul Grignon, YouTube, MonetaryPolicy


Video(M611) 2007-10-24 Nisour -- footage of the event? -- , YouTube, NisourSquareMassacre


Video(M207) 2007-10-22 Video of Civil Disobedience at Blackwater Gate in North Carolina -- Rebecca Cerese, Blackwater Watch,


Video(M211) 2007-10-22 Harris Fire -- Day 2 -- DonnaLee, ,


Video(M610) 2007-10-21 Peace activists invade Blackwater -- , Blackwater Watch, NisourSquareMassacre


Video(M201) 2007-10-19 JeremyScahill on Blackwater -- Bill Moyers, Bill Moyers Journal,


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Topic revision: r1 - 05 Mar 2011, RaymondLutz
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