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Poway Forum

“Meet the Candidates Forum”, Sunday, May 28, 2006 to be held at 1:00pm at Old Poway Park, 14134 Midland Road, Poway, CA 92064. This is the Sunday before Memorial Day.

Come and meet the candidates!

Dear Candidates,

You are cordially invited to a “Meet the Candidates Forum”, Sunday, May 28, 2006 to be held at 1:00pm at Old Poway Park, 14134 Midland Road, Poway, CA 92064. This is the Sunday before Memorial Day. The Park has attractions including a busy restaurant. This Forum is for CA-52 US Congress candidates.

The forum will be open to all candidates on the Primary ballot regardless of Party or status. Each candidate will have a nice large sign, held by a moderator. The candidate will stand near the sign and address a group of people. The public will ask questions directly to the candidate or the moderator will direct questions to the candidate. The moderator and others will direct people to circulate from candidate to candidate. If two or more candidates want to address the same group of people at the same time they may move together and do that.

Voter information and other information will also be available.

In the hours before the 1:00 Forum volunteers will circulate through the park passing out invitation flyers with the candidate's names on them to drum up attendance. The shopping centers along Poway Road will be leafleted. So you as a candidate get your name on a sign and on the flyer.

This is purely an ad hoc grassroots event based on our exercise of our First Amendment Rights. The event neither endorses or opposes any candidate or party.

Some Details

This event will be outside. Old Poway Park is a real showcase and has great facilities, but it will be sunny so dress accordingly.

I hope that Ray will be there with the video and that each candidate will give their 'stump' speech to the crowd. Say ten minutes each. Then I hope that the crowd has some questions which the candidates can answer either as one group or break out into smaller groups.

Volunteers still needed

please e-mail
Topic revision: r2 - 26 May 2006, BeachBlogger
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