This topic will be included as the base letter to be sent to officials as a letter in a stack of petitions, as email, and as physical letters.
WHEREAS Procinctu Group Inc. is a privately owned police, military and governmental agency tactical training center that is slated to be built on 194 acres of private property owned by John Choate in Homeland, CA...
Situated on the East side of Briggs Road between Norden and Gunther, thirty-one structures are planned. Included are classrooms, covered pool, dorms, administration buildings, mock streets, 6 indoor firing ranges, 3 indoor rifle ranges, a training driving test track and skid pad. No mention is made in the project description that Procinctu is an educational institution or that there will be live fire. Thus, those land uses are not allowed.
Procinctu was granted a Public Use Permit, but it is a private "for profit" corporation located in a residential-agricultural zoning area. Land uses are: hospitals, social services, schools and government uses, etc. "This zoning classification does not list...a security training facility, providing tactical and academic training programs for military and law enforcement personnel" as described in the project description.
Procinctu will have simulated land mines, bombs, rockets, mortar, etc., but the corporation itself is exempt from Noise Ordinance 847 because Procinctu labels itself a governmental agency/educational institution. County level for daytime is 55 decibels, but the last public records of 2-28-08 indicate 65 decibels.
Acquiring occasional business contracts with the government doesn't make Procinctu a governmental agency. Labeling itself an educational institution doesn't make it such. Education Code 48222: A private educational facility must offer the same branches of learning as a public school. Procinctu does NOT meet those criteria.
An Environmental Impact Report should have been done. Major unaddressed issues include: air pollution, toxins in the water table; hazardous fire area; disregarded restrictions on fauna, etc.
The State Constitution guarantees our right in "defending life, liberty, protecting property, and pursuing and obtaining safety, happiness and privacy."
(PUP, Section 18.29) "A Public Use Permit shall not be granted unless the applicant demonstrates that the proposed use will not be detrimental to the health, safety or general welfare of the community." (i.e.: no wall around facility, thus a magnet to children; Native American rights overlooked; no citizen oversight)
In conclusion, the Public Use Permit (PUP885) does not meet the provisions of Section 18.29, which describes a Public Use Permit, nor does it meet the laws and ordinances within this permit.
THEREFORE, I hereby urge you to act now to Revoke the Permit to Procinctu Group Inc. as it does not meet the criteria for a Public Use Permit, and it has been improperly approved by the Riverside County Planning Commission and the Board of Supervisors of Riverside County, California.